INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY (NET 201) Course Description Networks and Communication Department
Syllabus Week Topic 1 Overview of IT. 2 Data Manipulation and CPU Architecture. 3 Data representation and storage. 4,5 Operating Systems. 6,7 Networking and the Internet. 8,9 Algorithms and Programming Languages. 10,11 Databases and enterprise information. 12 Mobile computing. 13 Multimedia. 14,15 Data Warehousing. Networks and Communication Department
Course Grading Assessment Methods Due Date Point Quiz 1 Week 4 Monday 16/2/2015 2.5 Midterm 1 Week 7 Tuesday 10/3/2015 20 Quiz 2 Week 11 Monday 13/4/2015 Midterm 2 Week 12 Tuesday 21/4/2015 Homework Week 4,8,12 - 6 Mini Project Submission : Week 13 Sunday 26/4/2015 7 Presentation: Thursday 30/4/2015 Participation weekly 2 Final Exam 40 Total 100 Networks and Communication Department
Main Reference “Fundamentals of Information Technology”, Third Edition, Networks and Communication Department
Class Rules All quizzes and midterms will be given during the lectures . There are no make-up quizzes under ANY circumstances. Students who are absent on Midterm exam day due to illness are required to bring a signed medical excuse letter. Networks and Communication Department
Attendance Networks and Communication Department
TA. Moneerah AlEidi Contact info. Office: Network and communication systems Dept. ground floor [0.701.19] Office hours: Sun: 11:00-11:50 Mon: 8:00- 8:50 Tue: 11:00-11:50 Thu: 11:00-11:50 Email: Networks and Communication Department