Nature vs. Nurture
Methodology Twin studies Adoption studies
Minnesota twin study, Bouchard et al. (combo) identical twins more similar than fraternal
Temperaments Buss & Plomin Emotionality Sociability Activity level
Interaction of Nature & Nurture Environment effects genes PKU MAO and antisocial behavior In males: Low genotype + maltreatment antisocial beh. High genotype no inc. antisocial beh even with maltreatment Low genotype without maltreat. slight inc, but not significant
Environments Shared (relatively little effect compared to genes) Non-shared Within Family (birth order, diff. treatment, events) Outside Family (peers, school, events)
Genes effect environment Examples: Emotionality and attachment Physical attractiveness and self-esteem
Genes and Personality No single gene, instead multiple genes in complex combinations and patterns, turned on and off by experiences
Implications??? When we can genetically engineer personality, should we ???
Evolutionary Psychology
Darwin Natural and Sexual Selection Basic assumptions
Example Gender Differences (Men are from Mars...)
Criticisms Post-hoc explanation NOT proof (not entirely fair criticism) Alternative interpretations Does not explain individual differences Is change possible??? Evolution marches on!