Why was the Lucknow Pact adopted by the Congress and the League? As both had passed the resolution of ‘Self Rule’ or ‘Self Government’ and agreed on certain points which they jointly demanded from the British. 2. Mention any two factors which brought the Muslim League and the Congress closer by the year 1916. The first world war during 1914-18 which put pressure on the British who were made to bear losses and the Home Rule League launched in 1916 by Mrs. Annie Besant and Bal Gangadhar Tilak who wanted League and Congress to join hands. 3. Why was the 1916 Lucknow Session of the INC significant? As it brought unity of the Hindus, Muslims and the Assertives who also rejoined the Congress.
4. Mention one feature of the Lucknow Pact. Separation of the Executive and the Judiciary so that both could function independently and not be influenced by the other and do injustice. 5. What changes did the makers of the Lucknow Pact contemplate in the composition of Viceroy’s Executive Council? That 50% of the members would be Indians and would be elected by the elected members of the Imperial Legislative Council. 6. Mention any one defect of the Lucknow Pact. Muslims were given greater representation in their seats than their actual population permitted them to have. 7. What is the significance of the Lucknow Pact? Hindu-Muslim unity and pressure on the British to declare self governing institutions for responsible government.
8. What was the main aim of the First World War as proclaimed by the British and American statesman? To fight for democracy, democratic rights and crush dictatorship making the world a safe place for democracy. 9. How did the Indian leaders seek to utilize War Aims to India’s advantage? They highlighted the cry ‘make world safe for democracy’ and they also wanted freedom from the British. Without freedom from the British India could not help Britain fight for their independence. 10. Mention two factors responsible for the launching of the Home Rule Movement. Efforts of Mrs. Annie Besant, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and the first world war being faced by the British, which made things difficult for them.
11. Name the founders of the Home Rule League in India. Bal Gangadhar Tilak in April 1916 and Mrs. Annie Besant in September 1916. 12. When was the Home Rule Movement formally inaugurated by Mrs. Besant? In which country was the home Rule Movement first launched? September 1916. Ireland. 13. Who led the Home Rule Movement in Maharashtra? Bal Gangadhar Tilak. 14. What was the main objective of the Home Rule Movement? Self Rule or Self Government in other words freedom from British rule.
15. Why did the leaders of the Home Rule Movement avoid radical (revolutionary) measures to achieve their objective? As the British were already facing challenges fighting the war against Germany the leaders of Home Rule Movement did not want to embarrass the Britishers with their radical measures which would also weaken them. On the one hand British fought its war for democracy and on the other hand it denied India its democracy. 16. What was the reaction of the Government to the Home Rule Campaign? At first they did not object much to it as it was an English word which the majority would not understand, but later as the movement picked up they arrested the leaders and jailed them.
17. Mention the significance of the Home Rule Movement. It put pressure on the British to give the August Declaration on 20th August 1917, large number of people participated and women came in large numbers. Indians felt encouraged to fight for their rights. 18. Give two main factors which prompted the making of the historic Declaration on August 20,1917. First world war which pressurised the British during that time, Lucknow Pact of 1916 and Muslim League also joining with the Assertives in their demands. 19. Give two essential features of the Declaration of August 1917. Gradual development of self governing institutions with a view of progressive realisation for a responsible government in India.
18. How did Swadeshi Movement provide stimulus to Indian industries? Swadeshi goods like textile, match, soap, shoe, hosiery and others began to be made giving employment and money to people. Business houses like iron, chemical, banking and insurance services were made available which were fully Indians. 19. What was the contribution of the Swadeshi Movement in the realm of literature? Tagore wrote ‘Amar Sonar Bangla’, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhya wrote Anand Math and the national song ‘Vande Mataram’ in it, ‘Kesari’ in Marathi and ‘Maratha’ in English were published by Balgangadhar Tilak. Ravi Kant and Mukund Das also wrote.