THE righteousness
The products of the islamic culture Righteous Human Righteous Family Righteous Society Righteous Humanity Righteous Economy
Righteous Human First of all, we must be Muslims. A Muslim is one who believes that there’s a Lord who created him, refined him, guided him, taught him reason, gave him mind and choice of action, sent him prophets, and delivered the Book for him.
The first aim of Islam is to establish the righteous human, who is capable of being Allah’s overseer on earth, man whom Allah has given the biggest honour to live on the planet as a reasonable being. A man has been moulded in the nicest form, and dispensed all that is in the heavens and the earth for him.
A man has the quality of humanity and is fulfilled and risen above the savagery of imbecile animality, or ferocity. Such a man is the foundation of the good home, the society, and the good nation.
“ And We have not created the heaven and the earth and what is between them in vain, such is the thought of the unbelievers; so woe to the unbelievers from the Fire! Or shall We treat those who believe and do righteous deeds, as those who are corruptors on the earth, or shall We treat the pious as the impious?” (Sad: 27-28)
Righteous family
Just as Islam aims at nurturing a good individual or person, as the foundation stone of the nation’s society, it also aims at nurturing the Righteous family which is the necessary nucleus of the foundation of a good society.
Islam recommends marriage As for Islam it has refuted those outlandish views, and the doctrines of pessimism; and the Prophet (PBUH) did not allow nunnery in Islam and prohibited celibacy for the sake of worship: He directed this call to youth urging them to marry. “O generation of youth, those of you who can afford it should marry; for it veils the sight and better fortifies privacy.”
THE RIGHT CHOICE: Each of them should make the right choice of his/her life partner. They must not look to attraction alone; for appearance could be deceitful. Man is not by his good appearance, but rather for his good “mixture”. That is why the Prophet’s Hadiths have emphasized the right choice, and its effect on the wealthy wife, the charming beautiful wife and, wife of noble/ancient lineage.
By a good wife is meant; one of religion and character
The aim of Islam at the establishment of a good society, just as it aims at nuturing a good soul (individual) and a good family, and both are, no doubt, the solid foundation of the society in question. The good society is the one which ties the individual with his family with the noble values of Islam, and its exemplary principles making them the mission of life and the norm of its existence.
Righteous humanity Islam since the beginning of its mission has been an universal message, and call to all mankind, a mercy to all worshippers of Allah, Arab or non-Arab, to all of Allah’s countries East and West, to all colours white or black.
“And We did not send you but as a mercy to all beings “And We did not send you but as a mercy to all beings.” (Al-Anbya: 107) “Blessed is GOD the One Who has revealed the Criterion to His servant; that he may be a warner to the Worlds;” (Al-Furqan:1) “And be a nation inviting to uprightness and enjoining tight and forbidding wrong, those they are the successful” (Al-Imran; 104)
Islamic economics refers to the economic system that conforms to Islamic scripture and traditions.
The central features of an Islamic economy are summarized as the following: Behavioral norms and moral foundations derived from the Qur’an and Sunnah Zakat tax as the basis of Islamic fiscal policy Prohibition of interest.
Thank you very much anas al ismail – 201207180 dr Thank you very much anas al ismail – 201207180 dr. hajredin hoxha islamic culture