Upgrade Complete 2 William Moore
Who is I Will Moore Bald Gamer Programmer I hate Powerpoint
What is Upgrade Complete 2 Sequel to Upgrade Complete 2D Scrolling Jet Fighter (Kinda like Galaga) Tons of upgrades
Why Play The game starts with nothing except access to an upgrade menu which you use to purchase the bare essentials of the game By playing the game you earn money which you use to upgrade, well everything You literally change the POS game into a really nice looking game
Mechanics Game uses a simple mouse interface to do pretty much everything, the arrow keys are factored in when playing the game Includes a ship builder that allow for in-depth customization of your ship Literally every aspect of the game is upgradable
What I thought This game is a ton of fun early on and has an interesting take on things you see a lot in free online games Game play is simple but works well with the theme of the game Once you near completion of the game play the game becomes a joke and there is literally no challenge involved Not much to keep players coming back except attempting to beat it faster and trying new ship designs out