KEVIN HENKES Children’s Author and Illustrator
Meet Kevin Henkes “I remember drawing at a very early age. I loved it. My parents and teachers told me I was good at it—that made me love it all the more.” First book published when he was 19 years old.
ALL ALONE Kevin’s First Children’s Book It is fun to spend time with friends, but sometimes it is nice to be by yourself. Read this book to see what you can do all by yourself.
CHRYSANTHEMUM Chrysanthemum loves her name until she starts going to school and the other children make fun of it. When Chrysanthemum was old enough to appreciate it, she loved her name. Then she started school. “I am named after my grandmother,” said Victoria. You are named after a flower.” Chrysanthemum wilted.
OWEN Owen had a fuzzy yellow blanket. Owen’s teacher thought that he was too old for a blanket.
Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse Lilly is upset when her teacher takes the new purse that she has been showing off to her friends. Read this book to see if Lilly gets her purse back.
More Lilly Stories
WEMBERLY WORRIED Wemberly, who worries about everything, finds she has too much to worry about the first day of school.
SHEILA RAE THE BRAVE The boastful and fearless Sheila Rae decides to go home from school by taking a new route.
JESSICA Ruthie does everything with her imaginary friend.
Bailey Goes Camping Bailey’s brother and sister said he wasn’t old enough to go camping.
Caldecott Medal Winner! Kevin’s book, Kitten’s First Full Moon, won a Caldecott medal for its pictures.