Child Injury Process Education Service Center, Region 20 Head Start Program Child Injury Process Minor Injury (small cuts, scrapes, bite from another child that does NOT break the skin, etc.) Head Start classroom staff provide First Aid and comfort the child; not necessary to send to the campus nurse. Classroom staff fill out the Accident-Ouch Report. White copy of Accident-Ouch Report to parent and a copy to child’s file. Moderate Injury (prominent bumps, bruises, hard falls, head injuries, child is inconsolable, bite from another child that breaks skin, etc.) Obtain ratio coverage so classroom staff can escort the child to the nurse’s office; not necessary to complete Accident-Ouch Report. Nurse will follow district reporting protocol and contact parent, if necessary. Teacher completes the Critical Incident Report. Teacher emails Critical Incident Report to Health Facilitator and copy Coordinator on any HEAD injury. Teacher calls the Health Facilitator. Health Facilitator enters the incident in Child Plus as an action. A copy of district report to the parent and a copy to the FSA for the child’s file. Health Facilitator will file the completed Critical Incident Report in the child’s file. POTENTIALLY Major/ Critical Injury (dislocations, cuts requiring stiches/glue, broken bones, loss of consciousness, etc.) Call the front office for help from the nurse and/or 911. Apply First Aid until the nurse or EMS arrive and take over. Nurse will follow district reporting protocol and contact parent. A copy of district report to the parent, a copy to Health Facilitator, and a copy to child’s file. Email Critical Incident Report to Health Facilitator and copy Coordinator. Call Health Facilitator on the same day of injury. Health Facilitator will file the completed Critical Incident Report in the child’s file. Health Facilitator enters the incident in Child Plus as an action. CONFIRMED Major/ (received treatment /follow-up from a doctor/dentist, etc.) Teacher notifies Health Facilitator of injury outcome, treatment, diagnosis same day. Health Facilitator will work with Teacher, Nurse, and/or FSA to complete Critical Incident Report. Email finalized Critical Incident Report to Coordinator. Health Facilitator will discuss out-of-pocket expenses with parent and determine if accident insurance claim is needed. Health Facilitator will check in on the child’s case weekly until child has fully recovered. Document outcomes on Critical Incident Report. Health Facilitator will file the completed Critical Incident Report in the child’s file. October 2018/CM