The Miraculous Catch of Fish “Take 2” John 21: 1-14
4 Lessons from this story that the Risen Rabbi Jesus gives to the Apostles (and to us).
Jesus was assuring the apostles that Lesson 1: Jesus was assuring the apostles that He was still able to aid, bless, and provide for them despite not being physically present with them.
Jesus provides all that we need. Lesson 2: Jesus provides all that we need.
All Symbols of Christ’s Provision Cup… Bread… Fish All Symbols of Christ’s Provision
His Mission requires in supernatural resources. Lesson 3: If we are obedient and faithfully offer up our natural resources, God will supply all that we and His Mission requires in supernatural resources.
even the natural resources that In reality, even the natural resources that we have are gifts given to us by God. We are to respond to this fact with constant gratefulness. James 1:17
Lesson 4: Jesus helps us remember Him.
Feeding of 5,000 Feeding of 4,000 Miraculous Catch “Take 1” Matt. 14: 13-21 Mark 6: 31-44 Luke 9: 10-17 John 6: 5-15 Feeding of 4,000 Matt. 15: 32-39 Mark 8: 1-9 Miraculous Catch “Take 1” Luke 5: 1-11 “Take 2” John 21: 1-14
Jeremiah 3: 21-22 21 A cry is heard on the barren heights, the weeping and pleading of the people of Israel, because they have perverted their ways and have forgotten the Lord their God. 22 “Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding.” “Yes, we will come to you, for you are the Lord our God.”