Uppercase Letters – MOY Numeral Recognition- MOY Teacher Class Vocabulary-MOY Uppercase Letters – MOY Lowercase – MOY Rhyming - MOY Alliteration - MOY Letter Sounds – MOY Name Writing - MOY Writing - MOY Rote Counting - MOY Numeral Recognition- MOY Subitize - MOY 1-to-1 Counting - MOY Cardinality - MOY Patterns - MOY Operations- MOY Total Weighted Score Ms. Muffet Ms. Muffets's Class First Name Last Name B Itsy Bitsy 26 24 2 3 13 1 6 4 9 7 5 84 King Cole 27 82 Mary Contrary 30 25 23 10 8 94 Humpty Dumpty 89 Mother Goose 22 17 59 Jack Horner Hubbard 20 11 47 Bo Peep 28 12 92 Peter Piper 96 Georgie Porgie 95 Simple Simon 62 Tom Thumb 32 (out of 30) (out of 26) (out of 7) (out of 7) (out of 13) (out of 1) (out of 6) (out of 6) (out of 10) (out of 5) (out of 7) (out of 7) (out of 8)
Teacher Class Vocabulary-MOY Uppercase Letters Lowercase Rhyming Alliteration Letter Sounds Name Writing Writing Rote Counting Numeral Recognition Subitize 1-to-1 Counting Cardinality Patterns Operations Total Weighted Score Ms. Muffet Ms. Muffets's Class First Name Last Name B Peter Piper 30 26 7 5 13 1 6 9 3 8 96 Georgie Porgie 10 4 95 Mary Contrary 25 23 94 Bo Peep 28 12 92 Humpty Dumpty 2 89 Itsy Bitsy 24 84 King Cole 27 82 Simple Simon 11 62 Mother Goose 22 17 59 Hubbard 20 47 Tom Thumb 32 Jack Horner