American Grey Squirrel Brian Jones August, 2009
Introduction I observed the American Grey Squirrel. I observed the squirrels at 10 AM on August 23 as well as throughout the summer. I took these pictures in my front yard. The habitat where I observed the squirrels is full of Oak trees.
The squirrel stalking his prey
The squirrels playing
Squirrels Mating The squirrels mate in this time of year.
The squirrel trying to get away
The squirrels are planning their attack.
Summary Most squirrels build a nest called a Drey. It is made out of dry leaves and twigs and is built on the fork of a tree. The squirrels normally mate twice during the year (December – February) and (May – June). The squirrels gather their acorns by shaking a tree branch, which makes the acorns fall to the ground. Then they go and take them back to there “home”. The squirrels like to taunt my two dogs. Predators of the squirrels are hawks, snakes, skunks, cats, owls and raccoons. The scientific name for The North American Squirrel is Sciurus Carolinesis. The squirrels attack in a mob and use their razor sharp teeth to kill their prey. Squirrels weigh 1 pound and can be anywhere from 12 – 24 inches long.