What Makes Voltronics Unique We have the capability and are willing to design custom solutions to engineers’ tuning problems We offer unique products such as high voltage PTFE filled capacitors, extended range glass trimmers, parts for cryogenic applications and trimmers that can handle up to 15 KV We are constantly designing new products We offer a total solution to NMR and MRI variable capacitor applications along with most other components required to build a MRI coil including: chip capacitors, baluns, chip resistors, connectors, and diodes We have the most comprehensive line of trimmer capacitors We have the shortest lead times We provide world class customer service 98% + on time performance Real time customer service with maximum 24 hour turnaround Standard design modification drawings within 48 hours
End User Markets MEDICAL MRI Machines & Coils Laser R & D Diathermy INDUSTRIAL NMR (Scientific Version of MRI) Mass Spectrometers COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATIONS Cellular Satellite Microwave Links Wireless MILITARY Laser Weapons & Ranging Communications Radar ECM
A2 Series Smallest multi-turn piston trimmer 3-Standard mounting configurations Tuning & Z matching Small size High Performance High reliability solid dielectric
A3 Series Low cost trimmer cap No intermittent shorting Noiseless Microphonics-free Positive tuning stops Ten full turns of linear tuning Available in high voltage version High reliability solid state dielectric
A4 Series Low cost miniature trimmer cap High reliability solid state dielectric Positive tuning stop Up to 5 full turns of linear tuning Shortest length in market place
Air Trimmer Capacitors Frequencies up to 1.5 GHz Concentric ring Internal stops Extreme stability under shock and vibration Screw head doesn’t move in or out Extended shaft options of metal or plastic Long life with no dynamic tuning noise
DRO & Microwave Cavity Tuner Self-locking slot True hermetic solder seal Expanding line with new parts being added continually
High Voltage Trimmers Solid internal PTFE dielectric No ionization High altitude and high voltage applications up to 1.5 GHz 10 to 29 linear turns Internal stops Available in non-magnetic versions
J Series Low Cost Surface Mount Lowest capacitance drift of any trimmer Up to 50% higher Q Lowest temperature coefficient Usable to >1 GHz Surface mount
Non-Magnetic Chip Caps Very broad line of non-magnetic chip caps 38 x 38, 25 x 25, 11 x 11 High Q high power
Non-magnetic Trimmers World leader of non-magnetic piston trimmers Truly non-magnetic Most withstand immersion in flux and cleaning solvents Extended shaft options