Making Structural & Cohesion Funds Work for the Water Framework Directive Sophie Purdey Chair of the EC Working Group on WFD & SCF European Funding Manager Environment Agency of England & Wales
Working Group on WFD & SCF Recommendations to the SCG Presentation Working Group on WFD & SCF Recommendations to the SCG Title Slides Your audience needs to know who you are and what you are going to talk about. Give your presentation an opening slide showing the title of your presentation, your name and position or job title. Keep it simple. Your audience is far more likely to be distracted at the start of the presentation, when they are still settling down. Job titles should be kept to a single phrase - ‘Managing Director’ or ‘Events Manager’ - and qualifications used only if they are strictly relevant to your audience or presentation. Your closing slide should mirror the opening one, showing the title of the presentation and any contact details, if those are relevant. You can duplicate blank title slides, either by holding down Ctrl and click-dragging into the desired position in Slide Sorter mode (View - Slide Sorter), or by using Insert - New Slide - Title Slide.
EU Working Group WFD & SCF* Proposed Outputs 10 Member State Experts Baseline Survey Good Practice Examples Working Papers Guidance on Principles & Practice for 2007+ *Part of the EU Environment & Structural Cohesion Funds Expert Group. Chaired by DG Environment
Working Group Proposed Products Pump-priming project example brochure e.g. GIS, Public Participation, RB planning Infrastructure-related project brochure ‘WFD-proofing’ programmes & projects toolkit Shaping Future funding priorities 2007+ paper Economic appraisal paper - using SCF as a tool to maximise & lever regional public / private funds
Recommendations Formalise link with SCG & SCF Group Collaborate on work programme Support dissemination
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