Columbia County Suicide Data December 2016
Emergency room visits due to self-injury are now 3 Emergency room visits due to self-injury are now 3.8 times higher than in 2008. The 2014 rate is 1.5 times the state average. Columbia County Wisconsin Rates are age-adjusted per 100,000 population. Source: WISH Injury Related Emergency Department Visits query, 12/16/16
Our inpatient hospitalizations due to self-injury have decreased, but remain higher than state averages. Rates are age-adjusted per 100,000 population. Source: WISH Injury Related Hospitalizations query, 12/16/16
Our suicide rate in 2013 was 1.4 times the state average. Columbia County Wisconsin Rates are age-adjusted per 100,000 population. Source: WISH Violent Death query, 12/16/16
In recent years, we have an average of one suicide per month in our county 2011-2015 data from local Medical Examiner. 2004-2010 data from WISH, Wisconsin Violent Deaths Reporting System. Sources: WISH query (2004-2010); Report from Medical Examiner (2011-2015)
82% of our recent suicides are male (2011-2015) 82% of our recent suicides are male (2011-2015). This is pretty typical for the state. Wisconsin, 2011-13: 79% male 2011: 8 male, 1 female 2012: 11 male, 1 female 2013: 7 male, 5 female 2014: 9 male, 0 female 2015: 9 M, 3 F Source: Report from Medical Examiner (2011-2015)
57% of our recent suicides used a gun (2011-2015) 57% of our recent suicides used a gun (2011-2015). This is higher than state averages (49%, 2011-2013). State average % of suicides that used a gun: 49%, 2011-13 (no 2014 and 2015 data available) Source: Report from Medical Examiner (2011-2015)
Most of our recent suicides are middle-aged Most of our recent suicides are middle-aged. This is typical for the state. Source: Columbia County Medical Examiner reports.
Our rates of youth suicide are significantly higher than state averages (2011-2014, per 100,000 population) Suicide rates as per WISH Query: These rates are per 100,000 population, not age-adjusted (Columbia County numbers of suicides are too low to age adjust on WISH). For 10 years, 2005-2014: 10-14: Columbia 5.6, WI 1.8 15-17: Columbia 4.6; WI 7.9 18-19: Columbia 34.8; WI 12.4 Source: Not age-adjusted. WISH Violent Death query, 12/16/16
A higher percent of our youth are reporting depression (YRBS) No 2015 state YRBS data is available, as not enough high schools in the state sample selected by the CDC consented to participate in the paper and pencil official WI YRBS survey
A higher percent of our youth have seriously considered suicide in the last year (YRBS) No 2015 state YRBS data is available, as not enough high schools in the state sample selected by the CDC consented to participate in the paper and pencil official WI YRBS survey
Our youth are less likely to have made a plan to commit suicide in the last year (%, from YRBS) No 2015 state YRBS data is available, as not enough high schools in the state sample selected by the CDC consented to participate in the paper and pencil official WI YRBS survey
Fewer local youth reported a suicide attempt in the last year (%, from YRBS) No 2015 state YRBS data is available, as not enough high schools in the state sample selected by the CDC consented to participate in the paper and pencil official WI YRBS survey
Fewer local youth reported a suicide attempt in the last year that needed medical attention (%, from YRBS) No 2015 state YRBS data is available, as not enough high schools in the state sample selected by the CDC consented to participate in the paper and pencil official WI YRBS survey
Suicide in our county and state: Columbia County: higher rates for deaths and attempts, youth suicide. Main age range, gender and method used are pretty typical for the state. Context: Suicide is the second most common cause of death after car accidents for Wisconsin youth Gender: More men complete suicide, but more women attempt Students: Girls and minorities report more depression, ideation, and attempts Veterans: 7-15% of Wisconsin suicides are veterans
Sara Jesse, Facilitator 608-432-3042