Dr. Stelios C.A. Thomopoulos Dr. Sotiris Kanellopoulos Integrated Systems Laboratory Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos BES : MARITIME BORDER SECURITY TOPIC 1: RADAR SYSTEMS FOR THE SURVEILLANCE OF COASTAL AND PRE-FRONTIER AREAS AND IN SUPPORT OF SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION S ROLE IN THE PROPOSAL: COORDINATOR (OR PARTNER) SMI2G event, January 23-24, 2014 | Brussels, Belgium
SMI2G Brokerage Event, January | Brussels, Belgium Proposal Concept BES > The project will approach the system development and interoperability at different levels: single technology, integrated platform (HW, SW and communications), integrated system (including segments and control ground station) and connection with the responsible public entities for a timely deployment of SAR resources. The project aims to: > Assess end-user-driven requirements and develop a suitable architecture for the integrated system > Develop technological solutions (sensors, sensor data processing, platforms, systems) to extend surveillance coverage beyond current monitoring capabilities > Perform an extensive set of trials. Test will be performed on realistic SAR scenarios Proposed Work Package Breakdown Structure WP 1 – Project Management: WP 2 – Requirements and Scenarios: This work package will focus on development of system architecture which will be based on user requirements, concept of operations and SAR scenarios. WP 3 – Radar Sensors Development and System Integration WP 4 – Evaluation and Trials/System Validation: WP4 will perform the evaluation of the proposed solution against realistic Maritime SAR scenarios. WP 5 – Dissemination and Exploitation: WP 6 – Societal, Legal and Ethical Aspects.
SMI2G Brokerage Event, January | Brussels, Belgium What we can offer > Define the primary levels of operational performance demanded by the end users > System integration/evaluation and management capabilities > Develop improved data fusion algorithms and presentation of data in a coherent, consistent and interoperable way in order to support the decision process > Strong Cooperation with the Hellenic Coast Guard and the Hellenic Ministry of Defense > Strong experience in the dissemination of projects results: design of dissemination material in the form of brochures, flyers etc, host workshops and video production & 3D animation. > Relevant Experience: PERSEUS - Protection of European seas and borders through the intelligent use of surveillance BES Looking for partners > Industry partners: OTH Radars Manufacturers > SAR entities: national authorities > Coastal Surveillance stakeholders > Leading RTOs in the relevant technical domains > SMEs: system components and services providers
SMI2G Brokerage Event, January | Brussels, Belgium BES Contact Information >For further information, you may contact: >Dr. Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos >Director of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications and of the Integrated Systems Laboratory >National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos >Telephone number: , > >Dr Stelios C. Panagiotou >Integrated Systems Laboratory >National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos >Telephone number: >