An important tool in the prevention of animal diseases Laboratory networks: An important tool in the prevention of animal diseases Mady Malheiros Barbeitas OIE internship Paris, June 05th 2009
What is a network? A large system consisting of many similar parts that are connected together to allow movement or communication between or along the parts or between the parts and a control centre.
What is a social network? Social structure made up of nodes (which are generally individuals or organisations) that are linked by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, ideas, financial exchange, friendship,conflict or trade.
What is a social network?
What is a social network? From whole to part; from structure to relation to individual. Weak links ≠ strong links.
Animal Health Laboratory Networks They are an important part of a strategy to provide animal disease surveillance, technical assistance and diagnostic testing services. 3 classifications: geographical, disease-based and common interest-based.
Geographical classification National level
Geographical classification Regional level PANAFTOSA: Harmonization of the standards for diagnostic procedures in South America. EURL: training, advice, organization of an annual inter-laboratory comparison tests; provide reference materials and confirm the results of some tests.
Geographical classification Global level OIE Reference Laboratory Network: 177 Reference Laboratories: pursue all the scientific and technical issues relating to a named disease on the OIE lists. 29 Collaborating Centres: provide expertise in a specific designated sphere of competence.
Disease-based classification FMD network: to understand global virus distribution and patterns to make vaccine recommendations, to improve the quality of laboratory tests from national and international laboratories and to provide expertise and advice to OIE, FAO and other international agencies.
Disease-based classification Rabies network: to highlight the status of the disease in the world, to help WHO implement and evaluate national programs, to help OIE provide advice and guidance to OIE members, to provide transfer of technologies for the production of vaccines and to provide training or short term expertise.
Disease-based classification Influenza network: Several networks: GIP, OFFLU. GIP: seasonal influenza and the human health aspects of the zoonotic influenza. OFFLU: to support international efforts to monitor and control infections of avian influenza in poultry and other bird species, and to share biological material and data to support early development of human pandemic vaccines.
Common interest classification Research network: EPIZONE to integrate European research activities on epizootic animal disease diagnosis and control. Animal-human-ecosystem interface: OWOH international interdisciplinary approach for combating threats to the health of life on Earth. Manhattan Principles: 12 recommendations for a more holistic approach to disease prevention, surveillance, control and mitigation, as well as to environmental conservation.
OIE Reference Laboratories
Most of the informal diseased-based networks come from the exchange of knowledge and expertise between the OIE Reference Laboratories…
Distribution of OIE Reference Laboratories for Bluetongue
Distribution of OIE Reference Laboratories for Brucellosis (B Distribution of OIE Reference Laboratories for Brucellosis (B.melitensis and B.abortus)
Distribution of OIE Reference Laboratories for Classical swine fever
Distribution of OIE Reference Laboratories for Foot and mouth disease
Distribution of OIE Reference Laboratories for Leptospirosis
Distribution of OIE Reference Laboratories for Newcastle disease
Distribution of OIE Reference Laboratories for Rabies
Distribution of OIE Reference Laboratories for High and low pathogenic avian influenza
OIE Laboratory Twinning Programme
OIE Laboratory Twinning Programme Resolution: OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres enter into partnerships as advanced research institutes with developing and in-transition countries. To achieve an even geographical distribution of expertise and Reference Laboratories.
OIE Laboratory Twinning Programme Objective: to assist laboratories in developing or in-transition countries in order to strengthen the veterinary services - enabling them to more readily apply the guidelines and standards of the OIE. Applying the concept: Parent Laboratory and Candidate Laboratory
OIE Laboratory Twinning Programme I do not think that all of you are really familiar with the OIE and its objective which is important to understand the activities of the OIE and place them in the right perspective. Since the OIE is an intergovernmental organization the operating expenses are paid by member country contributions 31
OIE Laboratory Twinning Programme Enlargement of the network: the interaction between the Candidate Laboratory and other laboratories in the country or in the region would strengthen the regional level of the network and it will enable the country to become self-sufficient in the early detection and diagnosis of diseases.
OIE Laboratory Twinning Programme Italy and Russia: Avian influenza and Newcastle disease UK and China: Classical swine fever and Rabies USA and Brazil: Avian influenza and Newcastle disease Italy and Eritrea: Brucellosis Germany and Egypt: Avian influenza and Newcastle disease Italy and Cuba: Avian influenza and Newcastle disease
OIE Laboratory Twinning Programme UK and Turkey: Brucellosis Italy and Cuba: epidemiology Italy and Botswana: Contagious bovine pleural pneumonia UK and South Africa: Avian influenza and Newcastle disease UK and Morocco: Bluetongue and African horse sickness UK and Botswana: Avian influenza and Newcastle disease Germany and Turkey: Rabies
Parent Laboratories Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :
Candidate Laboratories
Candidate Laboratories
Newcastle disease and Avian influenza ongoing twinning projects
Conclusion Laboratories are one important part of a surveillance system. Each country should have more access to scientific expertise and knowledge. Animal health laboratory networks and the Laboratory Twinning Programme are steps in the direction of a more equitable distribution of knowledge. To streghthen the Global Surveillance System
Thank you for your attention.