College Research PROJECT
Bell Ringer - Vocabulary Please log-on to the classroom website. Click on the ACT Prep link and then proceed to this week’s lesson plans. Look under the Friday tab and you will find the 2 new vocabulary words for this week. Copy those words down on your vocabulary sheet and using the internet, please find the definition for each word. Once you have finished, please log-on to and wait for further instruction.
Agenda Bell Ringer – Vocabulary (10 minutes) Complete College Research – Part I (60 minutes)
How much do you really know regarding your major/career interest? Make a list of at least 5 things that you know about the career of your choice: Example: (Business Teacher) Requires a lot of content knowledge on a variety of subjects. Ie: computes, accounting, management, law, marketing, etc Need to enjoy working with teenagers Low pay Summers off
Activity Summary After making a list of what you know about the career of your choice, we are going to research your career choice to see how well your expectations actually match up. But first let’s examine the hottest careers for college graduates.
Your Turn: Visit Click “For Students” Look in the PURPLE box, “Plan for College” and select “JUNIORS” In the FALL section, select “Reading About Majors and Careers” Select the link “Hottest Careers for College Graduates” Read through the Hottest Careers for college graduates to determine if any of these careers might be for YOU! If the answer is YES, select that careers hyperlink!
Your Turn If the answer was NO, select the back browser and then select the link, “Major and Career Profiles” Look in the right-hand column that reads “Career Categories” and select the career of your choice.
Your Turn Read the article regarding YOUR own personal career choice and answer the questions on the next slide on a separate sheet of paper. (This can either be typed or hand-written)
Assignment Questions In this career what do you need to be prepared to do? In this career it would help to be….. What are some specific examples of ways to make high school count and benefit this particular career choice? What is the future outlook of this position? What is the monetary compensation of this career?