Operational Cyber Warfare CAPT Scott Robinson Chief of Staff U.S. Fleet Cyber Command
Change & Challenges The global domain and C2 relationships If we don’t have assured C2 nothing else matters, but offense is viewed as the priority Definition and understanding of the Battle Space Defining Standards and Assessments Unity of Command and Effort 11/29/2018 UNCLAS // FOUO 2
Dynamic Cyber Operations Operational Mindset Defined and Promulgated Standards Assessments and Follow up Command and Control Relationships Supported-Supporting Joint Component Command Functional Command Situational Awareness of the Battle Space Definition and Display Tools, Tactical Decision Aids, Preplanned Reponses Authorities and Access Title 10, Title 14, Title 50 Sharing the picture and information Real Time Actions Dynamic Net Operations, Defense, Exploitation Non-Kinetic Effects Folder Development 11/29/2018 UNCLAS // FOUO 3