Expository Writing What is our topic for the explanatory essay? EXPLAIN THE ROLE OF ADVERTISING IN THE LIVES OF YOUTHS. Explain the role of advertising in the lives of youths.
No need to develop an argument or prove anything The expository essay is straightforward. simply describe or explain a specific topic to the reader, using factual information No need to develop an argument or prove anything Just understand your topic and present it to the reader in a logical, cohesive manner
Intro. Paragraph with thesis statement* Body Par. #1 Body Par. #2 (optional) Body Par. #3 (optional) Concluding Paragraph
INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH: Hook-- a creative beginning to catch your reader’s interest Background/Set-up/Brief summary -- provides essential background to prepare the reader for your thesis Thesis Statement -- a sentence or two in your first paragraph that presents your argument to the reader, usually at the end of the paragraph. It is a good idea to UNDERLINE this sentence(s).
Body Paragraphs (2-3) Body paragraphs state one main supporting idea and elaborate
Body Paragraphs (2-3) II. Main Support IDEA A. Transition B. Lead-in C. Quote-Evidence D. Commentary E. TLQ #2 Transition F. Lead-in G. Quote H. Commentary #2 I. Concluding Sentence
Most Important Type of Elaboration Evidence – use quotes and paraphrased information from sources: (use formula TLQ) T: Transition (according to…), L: lead in (who, what, when) Q: quote or paraphrase (text based evidence)
Most Important Type of Elaboration T: Transition (according to…), L: lead in (who, what, when) Q: quote or paraphrase (text based evidence) + commentary According to “Facts about Marketing to Kids,” marketers increased the amount spent on advertising to kids from $100 million in 1983 by 150 times in the next twenty years (92-93).Clearly, …
MLA- Sources cited need a Works Cited page All sources actually used in the essay are listed in a specific format Last page of an essay Alphabetical Use Noodle: the cite from your media center lesson
Citing Text from SpringBoard MLA format for citing a work in an anthology: LastName, FirstName. “Title of Text.” Title of Collection. Ed. EditorName(s). City: Publisher, Year. Page(s) of entry. Medium of Publication. Example from our text: Horovitz, Bruce. “Marketing to Kids Gets More Savvy with New Technologies.” SpringBoard. New York: College Board, 2018. 116-120. Print. To adapt for other texts in SpringBoard: You only need to change the author, title of text, and page ranges: ___________. “_____________.” SpringBoard. New York: College Board, 2018. __________. Print. Our textbook does not have editors listed.