Grade your practise test!
Once, Quintus hurried to the tavern of Clemens (2) Once, Quintus hurried to the tavern of Clemens (2). When he reached the inn (2), he greeted Clemens (2). “Hello, friend”, he said (2). “I want to tell you something (3). I want to make a trip to the pyramids (3). For in Egypt there are many pyramids (3) which the Egyptians once constructed (3). The Egyptians were accustomed to bury the kings in the pyramids (3). I want to see the pyramids (3) because they are very big and very pretty (3). Do you want to make the trip with me (4)?
Clemens happily agreed (2) Clemens happily agreed (2). Therefore Quintus and Clemens put the money and food in bags (4). Then they hurried to Plutus (3), a Greek merchant, and hired camels (3). The bags, which they had carried out of Clemens’ inn (3), they put on the camels (3). Then they mounted the camels (3) and left from the city (2). They were proceeding through fields and houses (3). Suddenly, 10 Egyptians, who had prepared an ambush (3), made an attack (2). Quintus and Clemens were resisting bravely (3) but it was easy for the Egyptians to overpower them (3) because they had huge clubs (2). Then, the Egyptians fled with money and camels (4). Quintus and Clemens were sadly returning to the city (3). “oh no!”, said Clemens, “how miserable we are (3)! We did not see the pyramids (3). We lost the money and the camels” (3).
88-80 7 excellent! 79-69 6 well done! Practise makes perfect… 68-58 5 goooood but be more precise 57-47 4 means you should STUDY 46-36 3 GET A ROOM – with your latin book! you should do SERIOUS studying 35-25 2 you are in trouble! 14-4 1 stay at home and study for a week 4-0 inc poorpoorpooryou!