The Hemlock Society of San Diego
Background and Aims The Hemlock Society is a local based membership pressure group in San Diego fighting for the legalisation of Euthanasia. The society, named after the Greek Philosopher Socrates who chose his own death by the poisonous plant Hemlock, aims to promote the right for citizens to choose the way in which they die. Derek Humphry, the founder of the society, wrote ‘The Manifesto Concerning an Individuals Right to Choose to Die.’ This manifesto proclaims that every competent adult has the incontestable right to humankind’s ultimate civil and personal liberty -- the right to die in a manner and at a time of their own choosing. He states that “Suicide no longer being a crime, it is unacceptable to prosecute well-meaning people for assisting a suicide.”
Methods As a local based pressure group, the society focuses on education rather than influencing state or national legislation. However, they do campaign on policy with the support of the international pressure group for euthanasia, the World Federation of Right to Die Societies. The Hemlock Society contributes to campaigns for law reform and legal defence. To raise awareness they also, publish newsletter with information about developments worldwide six times a year and bring like-minded people together to discuss end-of-life choices.
Membership and Administration They are an all-volunteer organization with no funds going to salaries. They have a small membership basis, meeting once a month, however, hold various small scale events throughout the year including debates, presentations and lectures. Although unsuccessful in changing policy, they are successful in raising awareness, educating the public and promoting political participation.