The Three Billy Goats Gruff Expressive Arts & Design Use building blocks to make bridges for the goats to cross the river. Which material makes the strongest bridge? Add instruments to the story telling. Find instruments that make good ‘trip trap’ sounds for the goats hoofs and other parts of the story. Act out the story with the children taking a role in the story as a goat or troll. Use toy goats to make footprints along paper after making them walk through paint. Making trolls using Clay. Music – My stories – explores using your imagination Trolls & Giants The Three Billy Goats Gruff Communication & Language New Language: Goats, Troll, Bridge, Big, Medium, Small. Make a story shelf with prompts in it to encourage the children to retell the story to each other. Use the story to introduce or support the learning of positional language. Add an audio version of the book for the children to listen to. Look at pictures of different bridges and see how they differ and what similarities they have. Talk through the sequence of the story. Who crossed the bridge first? How did each goat persuade the Troll to let them over the bridge? Literacy Topic Theme Books – Traditional Tales / The Three Billy Goats Gruff Key Words: Troll, Goats, Big, Medium, Small, Bridge, Grass, Cross, Stream, Eat. Look at key words from the story and try writing same or the initial letter in the words. Look for familiar letters in the words, such as initial letter of name. Make a story shelf with prompts in it to encourage the children to retell the story to each other. Have you heard a different version of this story and if so, how did it differ from this one? Write whole name without aid Reordering stories Story mapping/Storyboards Informational writing Begin Group Reading if ready Phonics – Phase 2 and Phase 3 Reception Class Spring Term Personal Social & Emotional Development Board Games – taking turns – snakes and ladders/ supermarket game/ fishing for numbers – can they invent their own board game with rules Feelings – looking at facial expression and feelings. SEAL: Good to be me Look at the story from the point of view of each character. Why do the goats want to get over the bridge? Why might the troll not want them to cross the bridge? How could they work it out so they are all happy? How would the story have changed if the Troll had been friendly? Or if a different goat had tried to cross the bridge first? I wonder why the goats were different sizes? Maths In practical activities and discussion, begin to use the vocabulary involved in subtracting. Children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 10 . Recognises numerals 1 to 10. Counts out up to 10 objects from a larger group. Count actions or objects which cannot be moved. Selects the correct numeral to represent 1 to 10 objects. Counts objects to 10. Counts an irregular arrangement of up to 10 objects. Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight and capacity to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. Orders two or three items by length or height. Orders two items by weight or capacity. Use the size element of the story as a way to introduce mathematical language; big, medium and small. Organise 3 items by size. Use interlocking cups and Russian Dolls to look at the size differences. Have a selection of toy goats and group them in to smaller groups of 3. Them recount them to show that you still have the same amount. Understanding The World Grow grass seed in a sensory tray and look at what the grass needs to grow. Water and light. Once it has grown the children can use the tray for small world scene to retell the story. Use building blocks to make bridges for the goats to cross over. Which materials makes the strongest bridge? Look at goats on TV and the computer. Watch the baby goats (kids) jump and butt and how they like to play! Computing: Sending E-mails & A is for Algorithm. Science: Materials - Looks closely at similarities, differences. Can talk about some of the things they have observed such as materials and found objects. RE: Practice & ways of Life - Expressing meaning - Special Objects/Places: Why are some objects/places more special than others? What are my special objects/places? Prayers - Special Places & Special Times Physical Development Riding a bike Pencil control: Letter formations Moving in different ways and negotiating space. Make bridges with large loose parts in the outdoor area and use it to get across an imaginary stream. Someone could even pretend to be a goat! What materials make a good bridge? Use planks, crates, tyres etc. Set up water play with materials added to make bridges and areas of land. Include small plastic goats and a troll. Draw / Paint Goats and Trolls. Visit a farm to see Goats. PE FOCUS: Gymnastics / Parachute