Business Plan Cover/Title Page Table of contents Executive Overview/Summary Business Description Market Analysis/Strategy Competitive Analysis Design and Development Plan Operations and Management Plan Financial Factors`
Sell the “Sizzle” Executive Overview/Summary (Written Last) After Cover Sheet/Table of Contents Your Company (who, what, where, when) Your management team & their strengths What your objectives are-why you will be successful If you need financing, tell why you need it, how much you need and how you intend to repay the debt
Business Description Describe the Industry Company Ownership - Business Structure Principle(s) and their roles Company History or Start Up Plan Demographics of the area Locations & Facilities Describe the projected/current location Short or Long Term Projections/Goals
Market Analysis Trends/Growth – Sustainability Your Segmentation – Be specific Strategy and Implementation Plan Marketing Strategy Pricing Strategy
Competitive Analysis Strengths & Weaknesses of Competitors Know the “Enemy” Methods to Block or Hinder Alliances (Tree, Lighting, Irrigation & not least “Tony”)
Design/Development Plan New Product or Procedure Time schedule Testing
Operations & Management Highlight the Logistics of the Organization Hierarchy – Chain of Command Responsibilities of the Management Team
Financial Factors Do you need financing? How much/What for? Why your or investor’s money (debt/equity) will help make your business profitable How will the funds be repaid? Provide P&L Statement - Cash Flow 5-6 year Balance Sheet, Break-Even Analyses as reqd