External moderation and certification
External moderation request process page 1 All assessments, corrections, internal moderation and uploads must be completed Request can be done by the coordinator or the provider Subject line for email is as follow: project name, Provider name, employer name( we will add the allocation code) Sheet One is labelled ETQA Report –this is drawn Indicium The learnership, skills programme or single unit standard report, where the selection was made on, is to be inserted in this section.
External moderation request process page 2 The ETQA/Indicium report will include all learners that are part of the sampling Enrolled – with full credits (100%) and part credits Withdrawn Terminated Example: If there are 20 learners and 15 learners have full credits and 5 learners have less than 100% credits, then your selection should be 10% or more for the number of learners that have full credits and 10% or more for the learners with less than a 100% credits. This will allow us to generate the ROA’s, if need be, with the same request when certification is requested.
External moderation request process page 3 Sheet Two is labelled Selection-Complete this table with all learners The QA that does the selection on the ETQA report will delete the ones that were not selected on this selection template. Name Surname ID Numbers Provider Employer Learnership/ Skills Program Name of Learnership/Skills Program Learnership/Skills Program Code Project Allocation No of Files / Folders Region QQA
External moderation request process page 4 Sheet 3 will be called External moderation checklist This needs to be completed, attached to the mail and an ADMIN file opened for the info ticked on this checklist. (You will receive the admin file back so it can be used for following groups as well with minor adjustments.) This admin file must be with your portfolios when you bring it in to the regional offices.
PO request and reports 1 After the selection process is done the QA or QQA admin will request a PO. QQA HO will the raise an RFP and SCM will produce the PO The external moderator will then be informed to come and pick up the portfolios and admin file. He/she will moderate the portfolios and draw up a report for each selected learner and also draw up a consolidated report for all selected learners in that group. He/she will bring in the reports as well as the moderated portfolios. The QA will look at the report and either endorse it or not. If not the matter will be discussed with the external moderator.
PO request and reports 2 If the external moderator did not uphold the assessors decision the provider will be informed to correct their portfolios(all of them) and resubmit(it could be only the selected or all the portfolios, depending on the problem experienced) to the QA for consideration If the QA endorses the external moderation report the process can go over into the certification request. The previous email where the PO was requested will be retrieved The QQA will verify learner agreements, info on the system and the external moderation reports If all is correct he/she will indicate approved next to the applicable learners on the ETQA sheet(sheet 1)
Certification request and dissemination 1 The QQA in the regions will the change the subject line slightly by adding the number of learners that need to receive a certificate in the line right at the end. He/she will then send this request to HO QQA certification to request certification The HO certification has a list of checks and approvals to do, before this can go for signatures A batch report as well as the printed certificates or ROAs will be couriered to the region where the request came from The QQA in the region will then make copies/or scan copies onto the regions hard drive to be used later The provider will be contacted to collect the certificates and hand to employers/learners
PO backlog as per province Province Outstanding PO KZN WC EC GPS GPN Free state and NC Mpumalanga/Limpopo
Certificate requested back log Province Outstanding number of certificates KZN WC EC GPS GPN Free state and NC Mpumalanga/Limpopo
Thank you