SSC Group Development Individual Competence 60% 66% 67% Motivation 59% Number of interviews: 37 Favour-able 4-5 Total Ext. bench* Individual Competence 60% 66% 67% Motivation 59% 64% 60% Responsibility & Initiative 77% 74% 68% Authority 82% 69% 61% Organisational Co-operation 52% 66% 68% Organisational Efficiency 45% 57% 59% Learning 46% 54% 56% Renewal Climate 47% 48% VOICE INDEX 587 623 609 Commitment to the Company 28% 61% 67% Goals 31% 58% 64% Leadership 62% 68% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of given answers 1) Ext.bench. Processing Industry 2010
Responsibility & Initiative SSC Group Responsibility & Initiative Development Favour-able 4-5 Total Ext. bench* No answer Responsibility & Initiative 77% 74% 68% My colleagues take responsibility when problems with work arise 84% 78% 69% 0% My colleagues often act on their own initiative 70% 67% 0% % of given answers 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of given answers Favourable 5 4 Neutral 3 Unfavourable 2 1 1) Ext.bench. Processing Industry 2010
SSC Group Authority Development Authority 82% 69% 61% Favour-able 4-5 Total Ext. bench* No answer Authority 82% 69% 61% I have great freedom to act without going to my manager asking for permission 83% 72% 67% 3% I can make my own decisions in my work 81% 67% 56% 0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of given answers Favourable 5 4 Neutral 3 Unfavourable 2 1 1) Ext.bench. Processing Industry 2010
Efficiency Barriers (q. 20) SSC Group Efficiency Barriers (q. 20) Development Main barriers to working efficiently (q. 20) Participants: 37 Policies not clear Poor work routines Workload too heavy Lack of clarity regarding who does what Time spent on irrelevant tasks Lack of relevant competence Decisions aren't taken quickly enough Other, please specify Matters are not attended to in time Top management control Lack of information that I need to carry out my work Everything too tightly controlled Computer systems Co-worker turnover too high Inflexible, rigid rules People think only of themselves No, I don't feel there are any significant barriers to efficiency Bureaucracy Information overload 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %
SSC Group Goals Development Goals 31% 58% 64% Favour-able 4-5 Total Ext. bench* No answer Goals 31% 58% 64% I am familiar with SSC Group’s overall goals 51% 57% 67% 0% In my team we work towards clear goals 24% 63% 65% 0% In my team our goals are regularly followed up 22% 52% 60% 0% I can clearly see how my own work contributes to the overall goals 28% 59% 3% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of given answers Favourable 5 4 Neutral 3 Unfavourable 2 1 1) Ext.bench. Processing Industry 2010
Confidence in management SSC Group Confidence in management Development Favour-able 4-5 Total Ext. bench* No answer How much confidence do you have in...? ... the SSC Group Management 0% 43% 3% ... the Division Management* 25% 58% 3% ... the Regional Management (LSE, USN, SSC Chile, Kiruna, Stockholm)** 64% ... your immediate manager 76% 80% 73% 8% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of given answers Favourable 5 4 Neutral 3 Unfavourable 2 1 * Only to employees working within a Division ** Only to employees working within Satellite Operations 1) Ext.bench. Processing Industry 2010