American Political Parties Introduction
Three Arenas What do you think of when you here the word “party?” The term “Political Party” has at least 3 different referents: A LABEL in the minds of voters A Set of LEADERS in government An ORGANIZATION that recruits and campaigns
American Parties have Weakened As labels more independents As set of leaders Congress less under their control As organizations much weaker since 1960’s Overall trend DECENTRALIZATION of power
Comparison to European Parties The Big Picture WEAKER Our federal system decentralizes power Parties closely regulated by state and federal laws Candidates chosen through primaries, not party leaders President chosen separately from Congress Political culture: parties activities separate from other aspects of life Anyone ready to sign up for the Republican baseball team?
A Brief (oversimplified) History of The Two-Party System 1787 Federalists Whigs Republicans Anti-Federalists (Democratic) Republicans Democrats Party? Party? 1796 1836 1860 Today
General Development of Presidential Nominating Process Caucuses National Conventions Party Primaries Founding Period Jacksonian Era Reform Reform Era Reform