Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Edwards 5th Grade Newsletter January 29, 2018 Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Edwards 5th Grade Newsletter kedwards@effingham, Upcoming Events Feb. 1- County Spelling Bee ECCA 6:30, Feb. 5-14 Boosterthon Fun Run Feb. 6- Progress Reports Feb. 9- Deadline for Yearbook Orders Feb. 14- Full Day for students. Conferences will be from 4-7. Tests and Quizzes Math-Mid-Unit 5 Test-Tuesday, Jan. 30th Science- Unit 5 Test-Friday, Feb. 2nd Word Study-February 2 Reading/English –Wednesday, January 31 We Are Learning About… Reading –Comparing and contrasting two stories Grammar and Writing- Verbs Perfect Tense Verbs Math- 2D Shapes-Polygons, Triangles, Quadrilaterals Science-Classification and Inherited Traits and Learned Behaviors Feb. 1st- Math Challenge Dress Down Day- Students will have a note in their planner if they get to dress down. Please know that we are having a lot of improper cell phone use. We realize that some students need cell phones for after school, but please help us remind them that they are to be turned off and stored in a book bag during the day. We will collect any cell phone we see out during class time and keep until we contact you. Thanks! Word Study Quiz February 2 Words with script = script means write descirbe –to say or write how something or someone looks; to use adjectives in writing Inscription –a short dedication written in a book or engraved on something, such as a coin or monument manuscript –a piece of writing; a book postscript- PS; a short bit of writing added after a letter is finished prescription –a piece of paper written by a doctor that lets you get medicine scribble –sloppy writing that is hard to read scribe – a person who writes things down script –a set of papers with writing that will be read and acted out subscription –a written agreement to buy and read a magazine or newspaper transcribe-to write down or record; to translate We are having a Box tops contest again. The homeroom that brings in the most get a prize!!! 4H service projects-We are collecting pop tabs Mighty Eight Field Trip-Please send in permission forms along $5. Dog tags can also be purchased for an additional $5, but it’s optional. With Cold and Flu season upon us, we are in need of tissues and Lysol/Clorox wipes. Thank you in advance for any donations that you send.