Phil makes his prediction
Famous weather forecaster Punxsutawney Phil made his annual Groundhog Day prediction this morning at Gobbler's Knob. The handlers of Pennsylvania's most famous groundhog announce Phil’s prediction every year on February 2 as to whether it will be an early spring or six more weeks of winter. The festivities have their origin in a German legend which says if it's sunny and Phil sees his shadow, the scared groundhog returns to his burrow and the U.S. will endure six more weeks of winter. But if it's cloudy when the groundhog emerges on Feb. 2, the critter won't see his shadow and will leave his burrow, meaning winter will soon end and an early start to spring is coming. This great tradition happens in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, about 65 miles northeast of Pittsburgh. Although Phil is the most famous hog, other furry forecasters include West Virginia's French Creek Freddie, Georgia's Gen. Beauregard Lee, Ohio's Buckeye Chuck, North Carolina's Sir Walter Wally, Louisiana's Cajun Groundhog, Alabama's Smith Lake Jake, Wisconsin's Jimmy, and New York's Staten Island Chuck (full name: Charles G. Hogg). His prediction this year…HE SAW HIS SHADOW…SIX MORE WEEKS OF WINTER.