Kolcaba by Katy Lucas
Comfort care Kolcaba’s theory emphasizes the importance of art in nursing. She defines art as “…satisfying in present experience, a source of satisfaction to many people… asthetically pleasing in terms of harmony, design and pattern” Art sets out to achieve a purpose or outcome (Kocaba 287)
Art in Comfort Kolbaca divides comfort into physical, psycho- spiritual, social and environmental aspects. Comfort is defined as having these needs met. There are variables outside the nurses control, but if comfort measures can be taken to improve the aspects of comfort, the interventions will produce an objective and subjective level of comfort that will provide an opportunity to optimize health continue on the health spectrum. (Kolcaba 288)
Characteristics of comfort Comfort is: Satisfying, natural, scientific (scientific nursing interventions can cause/enhance comfort), efficient (can be achieved in one visit). Comfort care is: easy to design, realistic (assess from a baseline), patient centered (measured by the patient), nurse sensitive (a successful nurse achieves comfort for the patient), transcultural (knows no boundaries). (Kolcaba 288-289)
Metaparadigm of Kolcaba Person: Comfort is subjective and is patient defined. It can be objectively measured. Environment: Environment has a huge influence on comfort. It is either conducive or inhibits comfort. Environment is changeable. Health: Comfort affects health. From immune system and stress responses to psychosocial and spiritual, health cannot be achieved without comfort.
Metaparadigms of Comfort Nursing: Nurses have a direct impact on patient comfort. Providing comfort is a foundation of nursing. Evidence based practice gives nurses a scientific basis for providing comfort. Research has shown what does and doesn’t improve comfort. Comfort is always determined by the patient.
Reference Kolcaba, Katharine. “The art of comfort care.” The Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Feb. 1995. Retrieved from http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katharin e_Kolcaba/publication/14670610_The_art_of _comfort_care/links/54eb45830cf2082851bd 7135.pdf on 06/18/2015.