FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 conspiracy – noun • Conspiracy means A. a plot. B. an idea. C. an announcement. D. an agreement
FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 contrite – adjective Judges are often more lenient with offenders who truly regret their crimes. A criminal who seems genuinely contrite may get a shorter sentence. Contrite means A. angry. B. confused. C. sorry. D. uncaring
FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 distraught – adjective I used to get distraught when these pictures appeared somewhere. Now I just accept my history. Distraught means A. upset. B. busy. C. forgetful. D. confused
FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 egocentric – adjective Egocentric means A. selfish. B. considerate. C. self-educated. D. cultural
FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 germane – adjective This definition is germane to most teenagers I know. Some students in here have conversations that are not germane to what we are doing. Germane means A. damaging. B. related. C. foreign. D. harmful
FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 lucid – adjective • A female teacher’s contract was quite lucid in 1915. 1. You will not marry during the term of your contract. 2. You are not to keep company with men. 3. You must be home between the hours of 8 P.M. and 6 A.M. unless attending a school function. 4. You may not loiter downtown in ice cream stores. 5. You may not travel beyond the city limits unless you have the permission of the chairman of the board. 6. You may not ride in a carriage or automobile with any man unless he is your father or brother. 7. You may not smoke cigarettes. 8. You may not dress in bright colors. 9. You may under no circumstances dye your hair. 10. You must wear at least two petticoats. 11. Your dresses must not be shorter than two inches above the ankle. 12. To keep the schoolroom neat and clean, you must: sweep the floor at least once daily; scrub the floor at least once a week with hot, soapy water; clean the blackboards at least once a day and start the fire at 7 A.M. so the room will be warm by 8 A.M. $492.00 a year at most! Lucid means A. easy to understand. B. repetitious. C. fair to both sides. D. original
FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 incongruous – adjective The couple below was considered incongruous before the civil rights movement. Incongruous means A. contradictory, not in harmony B. unnecessary. C. not noticeable. D. noticeable
FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 plight – noun • The plight of these trapped children in Thailand lasted for hours. Plight means A. a delayed situation. B. an unlikely situation. C. an unfortunate situation. D. story
FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 connoisseur – noun A connoisseur would know that the items below are worth thousands of dollars. Connoisseur means A. a doubter; hater B. an authority; expert C. a leader; director D. a rookie; neophyte
FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 superficially – adverb Superficially means A. thoroughly. B. slightly, not thorough or deep C. daily. D. expertly
FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 11 verbose – adjective Sheldon is the most verbose person I know on television. He always uses ten words when one would do. Verbose means A. loud;attracts attention. B. wordy; talkative. C. self-important. D. communicative.
THIRTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 12 exonerate – verb • Brian was jailed for rape, but he was exonerated when the accuser admitted to lying. He spent ten years in prison and got a second chance with the Atlanta Falcons. Exonerate means A. to be harmed. B. to be found guilty. C. to be found not guilty. D. to honor
FOURTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 13 symmetrical – adjective No one’s face is perfectly symmetrical. For example, one eye is usually slightly higher than the other, and the left and right sides of the mouth differ. Symmetrical means A. unique. B. beautiful. C. balanced. D. unbalanced
FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 14 indigenous – adjective •Bagels and ranch are indigenous to Valley Central. It is popular with students. Indigenous means A. important. B. native. C. welcomed. D. foreign.
FIFTEEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 15 superfluous – adjective • Often, these businesses can be found five miles from each other and are quite superfluous. Superfluous means A. unnecessary. B. ordinary. C. required. D. everywhere.