Knowledge based objective: By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to name primary colors. Competence based objective: the leaner should have ability to identify primary colors using objects from the environment
Context: The learner is in lower primary school- class 3 Sample teaching methods: Explanation Nature walk- identification and collection of materials of different colours Group work- sorting and grouping of materials according to colour
Learning materials: Coloured objects from the environment Pictures/Drawings ICT resources Flash cards- displaying different colours
Assessment method: Classification of materials according to colour Observation and recording Colour word/object matching ( using flash cards) Drawing and painting using primary colours
Rationale/justification: The learners are in lower primary and they enjoy learning through exploratory activities. The knowledge and identification of primary colours will lay a foundation for classification of colours in subsequent lessons. This will also help them in day to day identification of coloured objects in their environment such as red sweater, blue cup, yellow flower and so on. This approach will allow for individual and group work