Peter the Great Wow, how conceited.
Russia in the 1600’s Basically still a medieval state, had not “modernized.” It lagged behind Western Europe in technology and education. A series of “Tsars” (from the name Caesar) ruled Russia.
Peter He takes the throne in 1682, but he was only 10 years old. He doesn’t really start ruling until he was 17. Not formally educated but he was extremely curious.
Peter’s trip to the West Peter had heard that Western Europe was ahead of Russia so he set out to visit. He saw many things that the West was doing better than Russia, and he brought back experts from many different fields to help him in Russia His plan was a policy called “Westernization,” making Russia the same as Western Europe.
Change Proves Hard Most people in Russia were resistant to change, which made his policy difficult to implement. To make it easier, he makes himself an Absolute Monarch. He brings all aspects of Russian culture under his control.
Peter and the Boyars The “Boyars” were the Russian nobles. He forced them to shave their beards and stop wearing the medieval-style robes. He ended the practice of secluding upper class women in separate rooms. To get them to comply, he allowed them more power over their serfs, and serfdom actually increased under Peter’s reign.
Improvements He makes improvements to roads, education, waterways, the Russian alphabet, math, science, engineering….. When anyone resisted they were tortured and killed (better to be feared…)
Peter and the Army He modernized the army and used them in a war against Sweden. He was successful and Russia gained control of the “Baltic” region. He moves the capital of Russia and names it “St. Petersburg.” He envisioned this city as becoming the “Rome” of Russia.