UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE The effects of technology 2 LAST UNIT /Experience 1 CURRENT UNIT: 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience Westward Expansion Industrialization and Reform Sectionalism 8 Unit Schedule 5 UNIT MAP is about... the economic and social changes that occurred because of innovations and the reforms that addressed the injustices by Industrial project PA Quiz Warm ups Reform Unit test Analyzing Evaluating Reform movements inventions Analyzing Economic differences in the US Vocab: transcontinental, free-enterprise, urbanization, industrialization, innovation, civil disobedience How did new technologies transform farming in the southern United States? How did the building of factories, railroads and telegraph lines change the way goods were marketed? How did new innovations in transportation and communication contribute to urbanization? What was characteristic of free enterprise in the United States in the early nineteenth century? What impact did the reform movements have on bringing about social change? Explain Analyze Evaluate 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 7
Industrialization and Reform The Unit Organizer NAME DATE CURRENT UNIT: Industrialization and Reform Expanded UNIT MAP the economic and social changes that occurred because of innovations and the reforms that addressed the injustices by Is about… is about... Explaining Evaluating Reform movements slave trade analyzing Analyzing cotton gin made the cotton-cleaning process more efficient and quicker, thus the need arose for a larger work force resulting in a drastic rise in the number of enslaved people; southern plantations became major producers of cotton that was shipped to northern textile mills Educational-public and private Temperance-ban on alcohol Prison-separate prisons and for rehabilitation Abolition-no slaves Labor reform-work hours and wages Care for disabled-mental asylums, deaf school, braille transportation and communication Economic differences North – industrialization resulted in available jobs in cities, which attacked immigrants and resulted in urbanization of the region South – Good climate long growing season, large plantations; labor by enslaved people, plantation production increase so did the demand for enslaved labor; industrial development was very limited in the region West and Midwest –abundant natural resources, wide open tracts of land, and fertile soil on the Great Plains; in dry arid areas ranches were established, in areas with fertile soil farming resulted, and in many mountainous areas mining developed to extract precious metals 4 Q’s of economic system Laissez Faire entrepreneurship benefits of Free enterprise The increased number of jobs, along with technological innovations in transportation and housing construction, encouraged migration to cities. War of 1812 – manufacturing capability increased (the British blockade of the American coast created a shortage of cotton cloth (previously American cotton was shipped to Britain where it was turned into cloth, then sent back to America) in the United States, leading to the creation of a cotton-manufacturing industry, numerous manufacturing establishments were founded (particularly in the Northern region) – left the United States industrially independent of Europe)
UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE 2 LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT: 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience 1 8 Unit Schedule 5 UNIT MAP is about... the economic and social changes that occurred because of innovations and the reforms that addressed the injustices by Vocab: transcontinental, free-enterprise, urbanization, industrialization, innovation, civil disobedience How did new ________________ transform farming in the southern United States? How did the building of factories, railroads and telegraph lines change the way ________________________________? How did new ________________ in transportation and communication contribute to _____________? What was characteristic of ______________in the United States in the early nineteenth century? What impact did the _________movements have on bringing about ____________________? Explain Analyze Evaluate 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 7
Industrialization and Reform The Unit Organizer NAME DATE CURRENT UNIT: Industrialization and Reform Expanded UNIT MAP the economic and social changes that occurred because of innovations and the reforms that addressed the injustices by Is about… is about...