Measuring 14C concentrations with AMS ( AMS Accelerator Mass Spectrometry )
What is special about 14C ? Produced in upper atmosphere Mixed effectivly in the atmosphere Uniform concentration in biosphere Radioactive => possibility of dating (t1/2 = 5730 yrs) Difficulty: concentration low modern 14C/C = 10-12
Basic Considerations 14C is a radionuclide, why not counting the radioactive decay?
Basic Considerations 14C is a radionuclide, why not counting the radioactive decay? sample with 1 mg C => 5.0 * 1019 C atoms modern sample, i.e. 14C/C = 10-12 => 5.0 *107 14C atoms half life 5730 yrs => decay probability 3.9 * 10-12 s-1 for the 1 mg modern sample 0.7 decays / h low statistical error 50000 counts => 4 years
In mass spectrometry (MS): the sample is atomized and ionized, the ions mass separated (M/q), and the intensities measured. => MS waits not for decay !!! 10 µA current = 6.2 * 1013 ions/s => 62 14C ions/s object could be ion source or aperture (slit, hole)
Limitation of MS isobaric ions 14C+ = 14N+ higher charged ions 28Si2+ molecular ions 12CH2+ resolution (tailing) 10-5 level 14C intensity ( current measurement require 1 pA = 6.2*106 e-/s) background events due to scattering or charge exchange note: single ones of these problems can be overcome, but not all of them simultaneously
Example of a mass spectra negative ions no 14N- no 28Si2- Fig. R.Beukens, Radiocarbon after four decades, Springer-Verlag, 1992
Limitation solution of MS of AMS isobaric ions 14C+ = 14N+ neg. ions higher charged ions 28Si2+ neg. ions molecular ions 12CH2+ resolution (tailing) 10-5 level 14C intensity 14C intensity background event due to scattering or charge exchange
Ions fly normally in vacuum (HV, 10-6 mbar). One interaction of ions with matter is charge exchange. Fig. from M. Kiisk et al. NIM A481 (2002) 1 note: 1µg/cm2 = 5.6 x 10-3 mbar m In the sum e- are stripped off => name device „stripper“ 2 tasks: supression of molecules (no 3+ molecule) gaining more energy (next slide)
C- C3+ Second aim of the stripper: gaining energy large energy helpful for detector (see later)
Limitation solution of MS of AMS isobaric ions 14C+ = 14N+ neg. ions higher charged ions 28Si2+ neg. ions molecular ions 12CH2+ stripper resolution (tailing) 10-5 level several magnets, ESA, high energy 14C intensity single ion counting background event due to identification of nuclide scattering or charge exchange by (ΔE, E) measurement
detector has splitted anode ΔE & ER signals identification of nuclid (Z & A) if energy is high enough, together with e.g. analyzing magnet
Interaction of ion with matter: energy loss in the stripper small, important in the detector in ionisation chamber signal ~
Interaction of ion with matter: energy loss in the stripper small, important in the detector in ionisation chamber signal ~ identification of ion in (ΔE, Eres) measurements
Note: 1D- spectrum of Eres would be sufficient
Limitation solution of MS of AMS isobaric ions 14C+ = 14N+ neg. ions higher charged ions 28Si2+ neg. ions molecular ions 12CH2+ stripper resolution (tailing) 10-5 level several magnets, ESA, high energy 14C intensity single ion counting background event due to identification of nuclide scattering or charge exchange by (ΔE, E) measurement
dedicated 14C-AMS set-up this scheme and the terminal voltage correspond to the Jena AMS facility
not the only solution „thick“ stripper reduces molecules 3·1016 instead of 4·1015 atoms/cm² no 3+ charge state required not 2.5 MV but 250-500 kV are sufficient „new“ generation of „small“ instruments (since 2000)
Example of the new machines: MICADAS less components => less maintenance similar background, higher efficiency ground floor is 3 x 2.5 m² in Jena starting in 2017
Scheme of the period with parallel installation and operation
Thank you for your attention. Welcome to the tour through the Jena AMS facility ! Stay outside the blue floor !
Technical Specifications General: Model 4130-Tandetron, High Voltage Engineering Europa (HVEE) Ion Sources: 2 sources, both Cs-ion-sputter sources Model 846 with 59 samples load capacity (only solid samples) Model SO110 with 200 samples load capacity (solid and gaseous) Recombinators: two four-magnet recombinators (one for each source) chopper wheel on mass 12 position Accelerator: terminal voltage 2.5 MV (in operation), 3 MV (nominal) parallel-fed Cockroft Walton generator High-Energy Beamline: 110° analyzing magnet for 12,13,14 separation electrostatic analyser 90° analyzing magnet 14C ionization detector
Scheme of the ion source