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Presentation transcript:

ZAŠTO NAM TREBA EKOLOGIJA ? eko-projektni dan 25. 11. 2010.

EKOLOGIJA - znanost koja proučava veze između živih bića, te odnose između njih i njihove okoline Razvila se kao grana biologije, no danas se koristi znanjima iz kemije, fizike, geografije, tehničkih znanosti te još mnogih drugih znanstvenih disciplina Često se spominje kao jedna od najvažnijih znanosti u budućim vremenima 29.11.2018.

Ekološka znanja i ekološka svijest su ključni za opstanak svih živih bića na Zemlji Živa bića su nastajala tijekom milenijske evolucije te su se mijenjala i prilagođavala prirodnim uvjetima u kojima su živjela To znači da su sastavni dio te iste prirode te im i opstanak ovisi o tim istim uvjetima 29.11.2018.

Uništavanjem okoliša uništavaju se i živa bića koja u njemu obitavaju Glavni ekološki problem današnjeg svijeta je taj što je prirodni okoliš djelovanjem čovjeka izuzetno promijenjen, a negdje i uništen Uništavanjem okoliša uništavaju se i živa bića koja u njemu obitavaju Ekološki problemi uzrokuju onda i mnogobrojne zdravstvene, gospodarske, političke i ostale probleme 29.11.2018.

Glavni ekološki problemi današnjeg svijeta PORAST SVJETSKOG STANOVNIŠTVA 29.11.2018.

Nekontrolirani razvoj gradova u nerazvijenim zemljama Nastanak brojnih sirotinjskih četvrti gdje ne postoji nikakva komunalna infrastruktura Veliki problemi zbog gomilanja otpada i drugih zdravstvenih problema 29.11.2018.

Dharavi, Mumbai, Indija 29.11.2018.

Dharavi 29.11.2018.

Dharavi 29.11.2018.

Favele u Rio de Janeiru, Brazil 29.11.2018.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 29.11.2018.

2. ZAGAĐIVANJE ATMOSFERE Glavni zagađivači su industrija i promet 29.11.2018.

Ozone Hole 1999 1979 1990 1988 1982 1992 1997 1984 1986 1994 Darkest blue areas represent regions of maximum ozone depletion 2004 29.11.2018.

Značajno opadanje kvalitete zraka u velikim gradovima Rusija 29.11.2018.

Los Angeles, SAD 29.11.2018.

Mongolija 29.11.2018.

London, UK 29.11.2018.

Atena, Grčka 29.11.2018.

Peking, Kina 29.11.2018.


Dramatic changes in Artic Sea Ice 1979-2003: Progressive Loss of Arctic Ice Imagine an ice-free Arctic In September 2003, scientists from the United States and Canada announced that the largest ice shelf in the Arctic had broken up. The Ward Hunt ice shelf to the north of Canada’s Ellesmere Island split into two main parts, with other large blocks of ice also pulling away from the main sections. Evidence continues to emerge that average temperatures in the Arctic are rising even more rapidly than the global average. Satellite data indicate that the rate of surface temperature increase over the last 20 years was eight times the global average over the last 100 years. Studies report that the extent of Arctic sea ice has shrunk by 7.4 per cent over the past 25 years, with record-low coverage in September 2002. An analysis of 30 years of satellite data suggests that the loss of Arctic sea ice is also accelerating. There are projections that much of the sea ice, until now thought to be permanent, will melt during the summer by the end of this century if the current trend in global warming continues. This will have major direct impacts on indigenous people and Arctic wildlife such as polar bears and seals, and will also open the region to increased development pressure as access by sea to valuable natural resources becomes easier. The global impacts may also be significant as absorption of solar radiation increases, and could lead to changes in the world ocean circulation. 29.11.2018.

3. ZAGAĐIVANJE VODA Zalihe pitke vode se drastično smanjuju zbog porasta broja stanovnika (najviše se vode troši u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji) Oko 1,5 milijardi ljudi nema mogućnost korištenja zdravstveno ispravne pitke vode Oko 2,5 milijarde ljudi nema dovoljno vode za svoje svakodnevne potrebe 29.11.2018.

Death of a sea - Aral Sea, Kazakhstan Images show death of the world’s fourth largest inland sea 1973: The surface of the sea once measured 66 100 km2 1987: 60% of the volume had been lost The name “Aral Sea “ comes from the word “aral” meaning island. The sea’s name reflects the fact that it is a vast basin that lies as an island among waterless deserts. The Aral Sea was once the world’s fourth-largest inland sea. Its problems began in the 1960s and 1970s with the diversion of the main rivers that feed it to provide for cotton cultivation in arid Soviet Central Asia. The surface of the Aral Sea once measured 66 100 km2 (25 521 square miles). By 1987, about 60 per cent of the Aral Sea’s volume had been lost, its depth had declined by 14 m (45 feet), and its salt concentration had doubled, killing the commercial fishing trade. Wind storms became toxic, carrying fi ne grains of clay and salts deposited on exposed sea floor. Life expectancies in the districts near the sea are significantly lower than in surrounding areas. The sea is now a quarter of the size it was 50 years ago and has broken into two parts, the North Aral Sea and the South Aral Sea. Re-engineering along the Syr Darya River delta in the north will retain water in the North Aral Sea, thereby drying the South Aral Sea completely, perhaps within 15 years. 1999-2004: The sea is now quarter of the size it was 50 years ago 29.11.2018.

Amazona, Ekvador 29.11.2018.

Indonezija, pomor ribe 29.11.2018.

Indonezija 29.11.2018.

Nigerija, Afrika 29.11.2018.

Poljska 29.11.2018.

Brazil 29.11.2018.

Engleska 29.11.2018.

Rusija 29.11.2018.

Sjedinjene Američke države 29.11.2018.

U Kambodži djeca se kupaju u rijeci zatrovanoj arsenom 29.11.2018.

Pelješac, 23. 11. 2010 29.11.2018.

Pelješac, 23.11.2010. 29.11.2018.

Pelješac, 23.11.2010. 29.11.2018.

Pelješac, 23.11.2010. 29.11.2018.

4. PRIRODNE NEPOGODE - bilježi se veliki porast ekstremnih prirodnih katastrofa diljem svijeta - poplave, potresi, vulkani, tsunamiji, suše, oluje, skokovi temperatura i drugo - jedan dio tih pojava se svakako može objasniti čovjekovim narušavanjem prirodnog okoliša 29.11.2018.

Tsunami, Indonezija, 26.12.2004 29.11.2018.

Tsunami, Šri Lanka, 26.12.2004. 29.11.2018.

Indonezija, nakon tsunamija 29.11.2018.

A kako je u našoj školi? Slijedeće fotografije su snimljene u našoj školi i oko nje u zadnjih tjedan dana 29.11.2018.













A može i drugačije !!!! Kako to rade u gradu-državi Singapur na jugoistoku Azije? 29.11.2018.

Vrlo strogi ekološki zakoni Žvakanje žvake i bacanje iste na pod kažnjava se i do 40000 kn! Ako ste uhvaćeni da tri puta bacate sitne otpatke tamo gdje to nije predviđeno bit ćete prisiljeni nedjeljom čistiti ulice noseći natpis “Ja sam neotesanac!” Zakon je zabranjeno ne pustiti vodu nakon korištenja WC-a, kazne su do 5000 kn! 29.11.2018.

Posljedica ovakvih zakona je da je Singapur najčistiji grad na svijetu Nelegalno odlaganje otpada kažnjava se do 250000 kn i zatvorom od 1 godine Odbacivanje starih vozila kažnjava se sa 25000-50000 kn i zatvorom od tri mjeseca Posljedica ovakvih zakona je da je Singapur najčistiji grad na svijetu 29.11.2018.

Močvara Chek Jawa 29.11.2018.

Močvara Chek Jawa 29.11.2018.

Marine Bay 29.11.2018.

Marine Bay 29.11.2018.

Marine Bay 29.11.2018.

Marine Bay 29.11.2018.

Aerodrom Changry, terminal 3 29.11.2018.







