Technetium-99 in Urine Tabitha Liebrecht & Buzz Vickery


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Presentation transcript:

Technetium-99 in Urine Tabitha Liebrecht & Buzz Vickery Severn Trent Laboratories Richland 2800 George Washington Way Richland, Wa 99352 (509)375-3131

Advantages of Eichrom Method (Summary) Time saving Waste reduction Yield

Method Summary (Step One - Urine Prep) Sample Pour-up Prepare Sample

Method Summary (Step Two - Separations and Counting) Acid Digestion/Transfer Prepare sample for TEVA disk Filter/Separation via TEVA disc Prepare sample for LSC

Ion Exchange vs. TEVA Disc Ion Exchange method spike yield (1999) 300ml sample size w/ 85.04% yield TEVA disc method spike yield (2000) 300ml sample size w/ 95.23% yield Yield increase Average of 10% increase in spike recovery

Ion Exchange vs. TEVA Disc (continued) tSIE improvement @ 100% Lum improvement @ 66.0% New method MDA improvement @ 15% Contractual MDA = 35 pCi/L

Ion Exchange vs. TEVA Disc (continued) Analysis time saving 48 hours vs 12 hours Cost Savings (11 samples/batch) 75% savings per batch (FTE)

Waste Summary 800ml vs 350ml of acidic waste 60% decrease in waste produced Waste disposal savings of $0.66 per sample analyzed

Conclusions Improved TAT Decreased waste Increased yields Lower MDA Improved reliability

Future Eichrom Projects Np-237 by TEVA with ICP/MS (via Eichrom ACW08 and ACU03) Th separation Am/Pu/U by TRU/UTEVA (via Eichrom ACW03) Strontium by Sr resin (via SRW01) Tc-99 in soil Pb-210 Single Operator Test

Thanks to Eichrom Anil Thakkar and Larry Jassin