The T2K Experiment: Status & IC Involvement Matthew Malek Imperial College London Joint IPPP-IC Workshop 28-May-2009
Evidence for n oscillations from… SuperK 71±5 Early Solar Neutrino Exps. SNO Soudan II K2K KamLAND MACRO MINOS Neutrinos have mass and mix!
Three neutrino mixing 3
Current goals of n oscillation physics The fundamental goal is to understand the origin of the masses and mixings. To do that we must: Determine how close to maximal the “atmospheric” mixing is. Determine q13 (or, if Nature is unkind, improve limits). Measure the sign of Dm223 – observe matter effects. Observe (or limit) CP violation in oscillations. Which will also require: Hadron production measurements like NA61. Much better understanding of neutrino interactions. T2K
The T2K Collaboration ~400 members, 65 Institutes, 12 countries Canada TRIUMF U. Alberta U. B. Columbia U. Regina U. Toronto U. Victoria York U. France CEA Saclay IPN Lyon LLR E. Poly. LPNHE Paris Germany U. Aachen Italy INFN, U. Roma INFN, U. Napoli INFN, U. Padova INFN, U. Bari Japan U. Hiroshima ICRR ICRR Kamioka ICRR RCCN KEK Kyoto U. U. Kobe U. Miyagi U. Osaka City U. Tokyo Poland A. Soltan, Warsaw IFJ PAN, Krakow T. U. Warsaw U. Silesia, Katowice U. Warsaw U. Wroklaw Russia INR S. Korea N. U. Chonnam U. Dongshin N. U. Gyeongsang N. U. Kyungpook U. Sejong N. U. Seoul U. Sungkyunkwan Spain IFIC, Valencia U. A. Barcelona Switzerland U. Bern U. Geneva ETH Zurich United Kingdom Imperial C. London Queen Mary U. L. Lancaster U. Liverpool U. Oxford U. Sheffield U. Warwick U. STFC/RAL STFC/Daresbury USA Boston U. B.N.L. Colorado S. U. Duke U. Louisiana S. U. Stony Brook U. U. C. Irvine U. Colorado U. Pittsburgh U. Rochester U. Washington 5
What are we trying to measure? nm disappearance Dm2= 2.0 x10-3 eV2 Dm2= 2.5 x10-3 eV2 No oscillation Must understand Non-CCQE Background! sin22q23 Dm232 Precision measurements
What are we trying to measure? ne appearance Must understand Both Backgrounds! sin22q13
The Near (Off-Axis) Detector UA1 Magnet 0.2T field Includes a water target in P0D and Tracker Understand interactions at SK Tracker Region Fine Grained Detectors & TPCs Particle Tracking P0D Measure NC p0 rate ECAL Surrounds tracker and P0D Capture EM energy SMRD Muon ranging instrumentation in the magnet yoke 9
Far Detector: Super-Kamiokande 50 kton H2O Cherenkov Detector SK-I: Apr 1996 – Jul 2001 SK-II: Dec 2002 – Oct 2005 (only half PMTs installed) SK-III: Jul 2006 – Sep 2008 (fully recovered from accident) SK-IV: Sep 2008 - Now (new electronics) 42 m 39 m 10
The T2K Timeline 2000: Ideas for T2K first discussed Jan 2007 – Dec 2008: JPARC accelerator commissioning Apr – Jun 2008 : Installation of the magnet in the Pit Sep 2008 – Mar 2009: Construction and installation of the INGRID Detector Sep 2008: FGD, TPC beam tests at TRIUMF Mar 2009: DsECAL cosmic ray tests at RAL Apr 2009: First T2K neutrinos May 2009: ECAL test beam at CERN Summer, Fall 2009: Installation of ND280 off axis Detector Winter 2009: Start of full T2K running 2010: First T2K Results! 11
UK Involvement in T2K Beamline Components Beam dump design Beam Window Baffle Target design and second target manufacture Target Remote Handling 280m Off-Axis Basket and Mechanical Integration Electromagnetic Calorimeter Front-end and back-end electronics for: ECAL, P0D, INGRID, SMRD DAQ software Offline software Analysis
Imperial College Involvement in T2K: Senior Members Dave Wark International Co-Spokesperson Yoshi Uchida Leader of Physics & Software in UK Convener of ND280 software group Morgan Wascko Sci-BooNE spokesperson T2K analysis Costas Andreopoulos (at RAL) Lead author of GENIE ECAL hardware
Imperial College Involvement in T2K: Post-Docs Antonin Vacheret Designed ECAL (with Yoshi) MPPC development DAQ Matthew Malek Analysis: Super-Kamiokande expert Blinding studies Oscillation studies Liaison with global T2K SK group
Imperial College Involvement in T2K: Post-Graduate Students Joe Walding Sci-BooNE analysis Pawel Guzowski Online / offline expert ND280 p0 analysis Jim Dobson Cross section studies ND280 analysis Sarah Dipper SK analysis (appearance) Gil Kogan SK analysis (disappearance) Patrick Masliah Global oscillation studies
Conclusions Construction of T2K is on target! J-PARC facility on schedule Super-Kamiokande upgrade complete Construction of ND280 detectors on schedule T2K will address open questions in the neutrino sector How small is q13? Can we search for CP violation? How close is q23 to maximal? Presenting first results in 2010 Imperial group well positioned to make significant contributions 16