Lesson 34 Anatomy of the Spine
Aims of the Session This session will introduce candidates to the soft tissues and bony prominences of the spine
Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson the candidate will be able to Identify the key bony prominences Name the key ligaments of the spine Name the function and structure of the inter-vertebral disc’s Identify the bony structures and muscles on a human body.
Recap of the spine cervical vertebrae (7) thoracic vertebrae (12) lumbar vertebrae (5) sacral vertebrae (5) coccygeal vertebrae (4) Watch Video
Recap of the spine What are the movements of the spine Flexion, Extension, Hyper-extension, Lateral flexion, Rotation. Watch Video
Anatomy of a Vertebrae 1. Back 4. 6. 5. 3. 2. Front Watch Video
Ligaments of the spine ligamentum flavum anterior longitudinal ligament interspinous ligaments posterior longitudinal ligament supraspinous ligaments
Anatomy of a Vertebrae supraspinous ligaments interspinous ligaments ligamentum flavum posterior longitudinal ligament anterior longitudinal ligament
Watch Video
Rib Cage Attached by strong ligaments to the thoracic vertebrae are 12 pairs of ribs The upper 7 are called “true ribs” as they attach to the sternum via the costal-cartilage The eighth to tenth pairs of ribs attach indirectly to the sternum via the cartilage of the 7th rib and these are called “false ribs”
Rib Cage The 11th and 12th pair of ribs, are described as “floating ribs” as they have no anterior attachment and form part of the false ribs The purpose of the ribs is to protect the heart, lungs and other organs.
Rib Cage 3. Manubrium 2. Sternum Costal-cartilage 1. 7 True ribs 6. Xiphoid 4. 3 false Ribs 7. Vertebrae 5 2 Floating ribs 8. Watch Video
Inter-vertebral discs What do you know about inter-vertebral disc’s
Inter-vertebral discs The intervertebral discs are white fibro-cartilaginous cushions serving as the spine's shock absorbing system, which protect the vertebrae, brain, and other structures (i.e. nerves). The discs allow some vertebral motion: extension and flexion. Individual disc movement is very limited – however considerable motion is possible when several discs combine forces.
Inter-vertebral discs Intervertebral discs are composed of an annulus fibrosus and a nucleus pulposus.
Inter-vertebral discs The annulus fibrosus is a strong radial tire–like structure made up of concentric sheets of collagen fibres The nucleus pulposus contains a hydrated gel–like matter that resists compression. The amount of water in the nucleus varies throughout the day depending on activity.
Inter-vertebral discs growth of bone that occur as a result of injury and underlying disease
Main Trunk Region Muscles Working as a group, see what muscles you can name that Flex the spine Extend the spine Rotate the spine Laterally flex the spine
Spinal Column Flexion Muscles Flex the spine Sternocleidomastoid, Prevertebrals – small muscles around atlas and Occipital bone, Longus Colli – small muscles around atlas and cervicle vertebrea, Rectus Abdominis, Internal & External Oblique's, Transverse Abdominis.
Spinal Column Extension Muscles Extend the spine Rectus Capitis & Obliquus Capitis - small muscles around atlas & occipital bone, Splenius, (Capitis & Cervicis) Spinalis, Semispinalis, Iliocostalis, Longissimus, Quadratus Lumborum, Multifidus.
Spinal Column Rotation Muscles Rotate the spine Rectus Capitis - small muscles around atlas & occipital bone, Splenius, External Oblique’s, Transverse Abdominis, ES to a small degree, Multifidus.
Spinal Column Lateral Flexion Muscles Laterally flex the spine Sternocleidomastoid, Prevertebrals, Scaleni, Splenius, Semispinalis, Iliocoastalis, Longissimus, Quadratus Lumborum.
Main Spinal Region Muscles Lets look at each muscle
Main Spinal Muscles Sternocleidomastoid, Flexion, Lateral Flexion & Cervical Rotation O-Middle 1/3 of Clavicle & Manubrum of Sternum I-Mastoid Process Watch Video
Main Spinal Muscles Prevertebrals, Longus Colli Watch Video
Main Spinal Muscles Rectus Abdominis, Flexion O-Pubic Crest I-Xiphoid Process & cartilage of 5th, 6th & 7th Rib Watch Video
Main Spinal Muscles Internal Oblique’s, Flexion O-Lateral edge of Inguinal ligament & middle aspect of iliac crest I-Cartilage of 5th, 6th & 7th Rib Watch Video
Main Spinal Muscles External Oblique’s, Flexion & Rotation O-External surface & Inferior edge of last 5th to 12th ribs I-Outer middle ½ of iliac Crest, Inguinal ligament & lateral edge of Rectus Abdominis. Watch Video
Main Spinal Muscles Transverse Abdominis, Flexion & Rotation O-Thoracolumbar facia, iliac crest Lateral ½ of inguinal ligament, & coastal cartilage of 7th to 12th ribs I-Xiphoid process, linea alba & pubis ramis Watch Video
Main Spinal Muscles Rectus Capitis & Obliquus Capitis Watch Video
Erector Spinea
Main Spinal Muscles Splenius Capitis Extension, Lateral Flexion Rotation of Cervical vertebrae O-C7-T6 Spinous Processes I-Mastoid Process
Main Spinal Muscles Splenius Cervicis Extension, Lateral Flexion Rotation of cervical vertebrae O-T4-T6 Spinous Processes I-C1-C4 Transverse processes
Main Spinal Muscles Spinalis Capitis Extension O-C7-T7 Transverse Processes I-Occipital bone
Main Spinal Muscles Spinalis Cervicis & Thoracic Extension O-T4-T6 & T11-L2 Spinous Processes I-Axis-C3 & T4-T8 Spinous processes
Main Spinal Muscles Semispinalis Capitis, Cervicis & Thoracic Extension, Lateral Flexion & Rotation of cervicle O-C7-T10 Transverse Processes I-Occipital bone, C2-T4 Spinous processes
Main Spinal Muscles Iliocostalis , Cervicis, Thoracic & Lumborum Extension, Lateral Flexion & Rotation O-Angle of 3-6th ribs, Last 6 Ribs, Iliac crest I-C4-C6 Transverse processes, Upper edge of first 6 ribs, Angle of last 7 ribs
Main Spinal Muscles Longissimus , Capitis, Cervicis, Thoracic Extension, Lateral Flexion & Rotation O-C4-L5 Transverse Processes I-Mastoid bone, C2-C6, T1-T12 Transverse processes, Watch Video
Main Spinal Muscles Quadratus Lumborum Extension, Lateral Flexion O-Posterior aspect of the Iliac Crest I-12th Rib, L1-L4 Transverse Processes Watch Video
Main Spinal Muscles Multifidis Extension, Rotation O-C4-L5 Transverse Processes I-S5-C4 Spinous Processes Watch Video