Resource discovery Lorcan Dempsey JISC/CNI conference York 7 July 2006 11/29/2018 Resource discovery Lorcan Dempsey JISC/CNI conference York 7 July 2006
Resource Books Articles People Collections Services Institutions Images Compounds Answers
Discovery Yee Discover Locate/resolve Request Deliver Suggest Recommend Gather Create Share Analyse Compose
User environment A user environment: networkflow Database > website > workflow
OCLC adaptation of Liz Lyon
The network environment
URL is the currency of the web 11/29/2018 URL is the currency of the web
The long tail Systemwide efficiences Aggregation of supply 11/29/2018 The long tail Systemwide efficiences Aggregation of supply Unified discovery Low transaction costs Aggregation of demand
Some lessons Consolidation Syndication Lower transaction costs Data Services Lower transaction costs Mobilize the edge: data about behaviors and choices
JISC What benefits from being done at the level?
The end