«Welcome to Berezniki!»
Ни триумфальных арок, ни соборов, Ни шпилей, уходящих в облака… Но я люблю всем сердцем этот город, Я счастлив, что живу в Березниках. Алексей Решетов 2
Forests of the Ural Grigori Stroganov. The Stroganovs’ Arms 4
The first buildings of the town Berezniki in 1940-1950s. 5
Streets and alleys of the present-day town. 6
Arms of Berezniki 7
The monument to builders of the town
Citizens of Berezniki 9
In the mines of JSC «Uralkaly» 10
JSC “VSMPO-AVISMA » Smelting of metal. 11
JSC «Berezniki Soda Works» 13
Order of The Red Banner of Labour «Наградить город Березники Пермской области Орденом Трудового Красного Знамени» (из Указа Президиума Верховного Совета СССР, 5 марта 1971 г.) Order of The Red Banner of Labour 14
«Little Industrial Belgium» Ivan Lyubimov 15
Streets of the industrial settlement near the plant 16
One of the houses built in the Gothic style
Primitive tools found by archeologists in the area of Berezniki 19
Artefacts belonging to Rodanov’s culture (VII-ХIII century) 20
Silver necklace (Х century) Silver bracelet (ХII century) 21
Silver bowl made in Khorezm(ХII century). Found in Chupino settlement. 22
The First stone church in the Ural area 23
John the Baptist church built by Barons Stroganovs (ХVIII century)
The mansion of Princes Golitsyns (ХIХ century) 25
“Life of a Mansion - House” Museum exposition “Life of a Mansion - House” 26
Silver jewellery box (1767) made by Andrew Ivanov, a silver crafstman 27
Old-printed book (ХVII century) 28
Album «Prince S.Golitsyn’s Estates» (ХIХ century) 29
Old-printed book (XVIII century) 30
An item from the collection of The Book Culture museum (ХVIII century) This book was read by Barons Stroganovs.
Virgin Mary and Child (ХVI century) Icon Virgin Mary and Child (ХVI century) 32
Icons, made in Barons Stroganovs’ icon workshops 33
Perm wooden sculpture. Angels 34
(an exposition in the local museum of History and Art) Perm wooden sculpture. (an exposition in the local museum of History and Art) 35
Works by Nicolai Zagrabov, a sculptor and an artist 36
«A pine-tree upon the Vishera-river» Works by Gennady Shvarev «A pine-tree upon the Vishera-river» Illustration to «Faust» by Goethe 37
A.Tumbasov «The Building of the Potash Plant» 38
L.Plesovskikh «The Temple» V.Chervyakov «Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Old Usolye» 39
Scenes from the performances of Berezniki drama theatre 40
Classes in the local ballet-school 41
Elena Nazarukh, laureate of international ballet contests 42
Scenes from the ballets staged in Berezniki 43
Osip Mandelstam Anton Chekhov Boris Pasternak 44
in the World Heritage List of UNESCО Aleksey Reshetov is a poet and an honourable citizen of Berezniki. His name is included in the World Heritage List of UNESCО 45
Monument to A.Reshetov 46
Children’s festival «The Ural Star» The local dance contest «Followers of Terpsichore» Children’s festival «The Ural Star» 47
The show of children and teenagers’ fashion «Starry Thread» 48
Singing contest «Ringing voices»
The first Russian festival of fireworks «Fire Fantasy». Berezniki, 2008 50
The festival final fireworks display 51
Carnival. The day of the town. 52
Representatives of different nationalities of the town 53
National cultures’ variety festival «Friends’ faces»
Historical role-playing at the local holiday 55
Shrovetide Gatherings Folk custom holiday. Shrovetide Gatherings 56
The Tatars and the Bashkirs’ national festival «Sabantuy» 57
The Days of Slavonic culture 58
Souvenirs made of birch-bark 59
Souvenirs made of birch-bark by local craftsmen 60
Works by local craftsmen 61
Works by local craftsmen 62
The Catholic church. The visit of Cardinal P.Piezzi In the Mosque The Orthodox church The Catholic church. The visit of Cardinal P.Piezzi 63
The Catholic church. The visit of Cardinal P.Piezzi 64
Local concert for the veterans of the World War II 66
Children’s summer camps 67
Volunteers’ camp Family trekking along the rivers 68
Sport is the way of life 69
Sport is supported in the town. 70
The streets of the town 71
Welcome to Berezniki Добро пожаловать в Березники !!! 72