#1 Believes In The Team Concept Nothing was ever accomplished alone! There is power in numbers! Swallow your pride!
#2 Exhibits Selfless Behavior Do the “grunt” work! It’s not about you! Don’t worry who gets the credit!
#3 Respects Everyone Everyone effects team morale! Every team member brings something unique to the table! “You fight harder for a friend!”
#4 Handles Adversity What an opportunity!
#4 Handles Adversity What an opportunity! Control what you can control and work the problem!
#4 Handles Adversity What an opportunity! Control what you can control and work the problem! Get back to basics!
#5 Adapts To Change Change increases productivity! Change forces new learning and renews energy! Avoid water cooler talk!
#6 Accepts Feedback This is how you get better! Say O.K.! Have “Rhino Skin”!
#7 Demonstrates High Energy Have “Labrador” enthusiasm!
#7 Demonstrates High Energy Have “Labrador” enthusiasm! Avoid moodiness! Fake it!
#8 Is Accountable Do your job! Don’t make excuses! Don’t blame others!
Kevin Kush Public Speaking Inc. www.coachkushspeaks.com