Sign Up / Create a New Account St Jago Student Portal Websites Set up an account Change your password / telephone/ email etc If you forget your password View your report Course/class work Get notes
To Create an Account GO TO in your web browser
To Create an Account Click the SET UP ACCOUNT link
To Create an Account Select your class from the list
To Create an Account Type your last name (surname as it appears on your last school report)
To Create an Account Type or select your date of birth Then click next
To Create an Account DATE OF BIRTH In Google chrome you can select the date with the date selector provided
To Create an Account DATE OF BIRTH In other browsers you should type it in the format YYYY-MM-DD. That is 4 digits (numbers) for the year, a hyphen, 2 digits (numbers) for the month, another hyphen and 2 digits (numbers) for the day.
To Create an Account Type or select your date of birth Then click NEXT
To Create an Account You will see a page similar to this one. Check out the PROBLEM section at the end if you do not see this.
To Create an Account Enter you email Enter your mobile phone number Select one of the suggested usernames
To Create an Account Click “Complete Set UP” to continue
To Create an Account You should see a page like this. Go to you email account and read the message
To Create an Account Open the email
To Create an Account Click the link
To Create an Account The link will open and take you back to the student portal Set your password and click “Next” or “Save”
To Create an Account You are now all set up and logged in! To go to the VLE click the VLE link
Account Created! In the future you can go directly to and use your username and password to sign in
Account Already Exists You cannot have more than 1 accounts. If you forget your password use the password recovery option.
No matching student record Double check to make sure your information is correct. Check your form teacher to make sure your date of birth is correct on the school system. Speak withthe Report System Administrator or the Web System Administrator/ Web master
No matching student record If that fails speak with the Report System Administrator (Ms Vassell) or the Web System Administrator/ Webmaster (Mr Edwards)
Possible Multiple Accounts Speak with your form teacher, the Report System Administrator (Ms Vassell) or the Web System Administrator/ Webmaster (Mr Edwards). In order to obtain you student identification number. This number is in the format SID000
The End