Presentation to the Select Committee on Social Services 21 November 2017 2016/17 ANNUAL REPORT
Presentation Outline Purpose Overview Programmes Performance Information - Achievements against 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan; Budget and Expenditure; Summary of Audit Outcomes; Recommendations. 2
Purpose To present to the Select Committee on Social Services SASSA’s 2016/17 Annual Report; focusing on: Performance Information; Budget and Expenditure; Audit outcomes; and Recommendations.
Overview 4
Overview SASSA is a Schedule 3A Public Entity established in April 2006 in terms of an Act of Parliament (SASSA Act, 2004) The objective of SASSA is to act, as the sole agent that will ensure the efficient and effective management, administration and payment of social assistance; and eventually serve as an institution to manage broader social security benefits The social assistance programme and the operations of SASSA are fully funded by government. 5
Overview Vision “A leader in the delivery of social security services” Mission To administer social security services to eligible children, older persons and people with disabilities. SASSA’s Slogan Paying the right social grant, to the right person, at the right time and place. NJALO! 6
SASSA’s Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal NDP OUTCOME RELEVANT TO SASSA Outcome 13: An inclusive and responsive social protection system SUB- OUTCOME (SO) SO4: Deepening social assistance and extending the scope for social security. SASSA STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOAL Expand access to social assistance and creating a platform for future payment of social security benefits. SASSA GOAL STATEMENT To render social assistance to eligible beneficiaries 7
SASSA 2014-2019 MTSF Priorities The primary focus of SASSA in the medium term is: Reducing income poverty by providing social assistance to eligible individuals; Improving service delivery; Improving organisational efficiency; Automation of business systems; Institutionalising social grants payment system within SASSA.
Programmes Programme 1: Administration Sub-programme 1.1: Executive Management Sub-programme 1.2: Corporate Services Sub-programme 1.3: Information and Communication Technology Sub-programme 1.4: Financial Management Programme 2: Benefits Administration and Support Sub-programme 2.1: Benefits Administration Sub-programme 2.2: Payment Administration 9
SASSA 2016/17 Strategic Objectives To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the administration of the social assistance programme; To provide human capital management, facilities and auxiliary services; Effective information and communication technology; Effective financial management; and To uphold good governance.
Programmes Performance 11
Performance Rating System For the purpose of this report, the following rating system has been employed: Achieved Target has been fully achieved Partially Achieved Performance between 50% and 99% Some work has been done but target not fully realized Not Achieved Performance is below 50% Very little/no work done, certainly target has missed time frames.
OVERALL 2016/17 PERFORMANCE The 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan had 42 planned targets; Of the total planned targets, 19 (45%) were fully realized/achieved; 13 targets (31%) were partially achieved recording between 50% and 98% performance; and 10 targets (24%) recorded below 50% performance Total expenditure – 106% (appropriation + cash surplus) 13
Programme 1: Administration 14
PROGRAMME PURPOSE To provide leadership, management and support services towards realization of the Agency’s mandate. This programme provides an enabling environment for an effective & efficient administration and payment of social assistance.
SUMMARY OF PROGRAMME 1 PERFORMANCE The programme had 24 targets planned for the financial year; Of the total planned targets, 13 (54%) were fully realized/achieved; Five targets (21%) were partially achieved recording 50% and 98% performance; and Six targets (25%) recorded below 50% performance
Improved Organizational Efficiency Sub-programme 1.1: Executive Management Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement 20 internal audit reviews conducted on high-risk areas 23 internal audit reviews conducted on high-risk areas. This represents 115% performance. Not applicable 72 fraud, theft and corruption awareness programmes conducted across the 9 regions 72 fraud, theft and corruption awareness programmes were conducted across the regions. This represents 100% performance.
Improved Organizational Efficiency Sub-programme 1.1: Executive Management Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement 70% of reported fraud, theft and corruption cases investigated within 90 days of receipt 65% (262 of 405) of reported fraud, theft and corruption cases investigated within 90 days of receipt. Under achievement is attributed to syndicate cases that are complex and consumed more time than anticipated. 100% of fraud, theft and corruption cases investigated (backlog) 81% (933 out of 1 147) of fraud, theft and corruption cases investigated
Fraud, theft and corruption cases per Location No. of cases received No. of cases investigated Percentage EC 50 36 72 FS 26 3 12 GP 70 53 76 KZN 103 80 78 LP 20 13 65 MP 38 17 45 NC 8 NW 11 42 WC 63 46 73 HO 1 - TOTAL 405 262
Improved Organizational Efficiency Sub-programme 1.1: Executive Management Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement 100% of legal opinions were finalized within 10 working days 98% (233 of 239) of Legal opinions were finalized within 10 days. Further research was required in some of the requested opinions thus failure to finalize within 10 days. 100% of contracts drafted within 10 working days of written instruction with supporting Documents 100% (1 009 out of 1 009) of contracts were drafted within 10 working days of written instruction with supporting documents. Not applicable
Improved Organizational Efficiency Sub-programme 1.2: Corporate Services Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement HR Plan reviewed HR plan was reviewed to accommodate the outcome of the capacity model on enrollment function within the grant process. Not applicable Capacity model reviewed Capacity model reviewed. The model looked at the enrolment function as it currently done including card issuance, maintenance as well as biometrics. Capacity requirements to perform enrolment function is estimated at 640 staff. 95% of funded posts filled 96 % of funded posts were filled. In addition, there were 805 contract workers, totaling number of employees to 9 349 at the end of March 2017.
Improved Organizational Efficiency Sub-programme 1.2: Corporate Services Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement Co-sourcing for 5 regions concluded Co-Sourcing of registries (beneficiary record management centres) for 5 regions (NW, WC, GP, KZN and FS) concluded. This includes conclusion of a contract, relocation of personnel and migration of beneficiary files. Not applicable 367 local of offices audited for functionality 367 local offices were audited for functionality. 150 open pay points converted to fixed structures 176 open pay points were converted to fixed structures. This represents 117% performance. 96 steel structures; and 80 migrated to community structures.
Improved Organizational Efficiency: Reason for under achievement Sub-programme 1.3: ICT Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement Biometric access to systems for staff and beneficiaries acquired, configured and piloted Terms of Reference were revised to accommodate inputs from subject matter experts. The Request for Proposal (RFP) had been advertised by end of March 2017. The project was included in the overall New Insourcing Payment Model as part of the SASSA Transition Programme to ensure streamlining and integration of solution implementation. As such, project timelines were affected 100% of users migrated from Novell System to Microsoft Platform 100% (9715) of users migrated from Novell to Microsoft Platform Not applicable
Improved Organizational Efficiency: Reason for under achievement Sub-programme 1.3: ICT Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement Network connectivity infrastructure upgraded (Head Office, Regional Offices and Registries) Mpumalanga registry and Eastern Cape regional office were upgraded. Prolonged industrial action on the side of the service provider (Telkom) delayed the project implementation, however Telkom and SASSA have reached an agreement and the project will be finalized in 2017/18 financial year. Back scanning solution implemented in 9 regional registries The back scanning solution was implemented in 4 regions (NW, LP, WC & NC). At the end of March 2017, work had commenced in GP, KZN and MP. The sites and office accommodation were not timely ready for the establishment of the Scanning Bureaus in compliance with specifications.
Improved Organizational Efficiency: Reason for under achievement Sub-programme 1.3: ICT Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement On-going scanning piloted in 9 local offices The solution was built and tested in two local offices in the Western Cape region The sites and office accommodation were not ready for the ongoing scanning operations in line with the specifications. Electronic queue management solution procured and piloted Not achieved The projects were included in the overall New Insourcing Payment Model as part of the SASSA Transition Programme to ensure streamlining and integration of solution implementation. As such, project timelines were affected Web-interface solution procured and implemented
Improved Organizational Efficiency: Reason for under achievement Sub-programme 1.3: ICT Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement Enterprise Business Intelligence solution implemented for grants data The Grants Administration reporting solution was developed and implemented. Not applicable HCM and Financial Management support systems automation Business Case and implementation plan developed HCM and Financial Management support systems automation Business Case and implementation plan was developed
Improved Organizational Efficiency Sub-programme 1.4: Financial Management Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement Unqualified audit outcome for 2015/16 achieved SASSA received an unqualified audit outcome for the 2015/16 financial year None 100% of eligible suppliers paid within 30 days 96% of (4 603 of 4 781) eligible suppliers were paid within 30 days. Disputed invoices and delays by suppliers to provide required information. Changes on suppliers without submitting the new banking details to SASSA or Central Supplier Database (CSD) update.
Improved Organizational Efficiency Sub-programme 1.4: Financial Management Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement 5% of social assistance debts recovered and/or written off (Debt book =R814 359 863.19 Value of 5% target =R40 717 993.16) 2% of social assistance debts recovered to the value of R12 907 916.43 Write offs for two financial years 2015/16 and 2016/17 (R155 million) were submitted to National Treasury through the Department of Social Development for consideration and approval. The outcome is still outstanding. Default rate due to poverty level affecting debtors, making it difficult for them to repay as per agreements made with SASSA.
Benefits Administration and Support Programme 2: Benefits Administration and Support
Programme PURPOSE The programme provides effective administration and implementation of the social assistance programme. The programme is responsible for the core business of the South African Social Security Agency.
SUMMARY OF PROGRAMME 2 PERFORMANCE The programme had 18 targets planned for the financial year; Of the total planned targets, six (33%) were fully realized/achieved; Eight targets (45%) were partially achieved recording between 50% and 98% performance; and Four targets (22%) recorded below 50% performance
Implementation of the Social Assistance Programme Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement 1 400 000 new social grant applications processed 2 062 453 new social grant applications were processed. This represents 147% Not applicable Increase the number of grants in payment from 16 991 634 to 17 507 849 17 200 525 social assistance benefits were in payment at end of March 2017. This represents 98% Attrition, lapsing of temporary awarded grants, age qualification, applicants not meeting the qualifying criteria contributed to non- achievement of this target.
New social grants applications processed per Province Number of new social grant applications processed EC 272 867 FS 129 753 GP 326 811 KZN 437 446 LP 252 399 MP 165 298 NC 82 814 NW 161 163 WC 233 901 Total 2 062 452
Social grants in payment including Grant-in-Aid per Province Grants in payment including Gran-in-Aid EC 2 754 621 FS 989 959 GP 2 513 193 KZN 3 878 217 LP 2 426 212 MP 1 438 779 NC 465 908 NW 1 209 657 WC 1 523 979 Total 17 200 525
Social Grants Growth - by grant type 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Old Age 2,195,018 2,229,550 2,390,543 2,546,657 2,678,554 2,750,857 2,873,197 2,969,933 3,086,851 3,194,087 3,302,202 War Veteran 2,340 1,924 1,500 1,216 958 753 587 429 326 245 176 Disability 1,422,808 1,408,456 1,286,883 1,264,477 1,200,898 1,198,131 1,164,192 1,120,419 1,112,663 1,085,541 1,067,176 Grant in Aid 31,918 37,343 46,069 53,237 58,413 66,493 73,719 83,059 113,087 137,806 164,349 Care Dependency 98,631 102,292 107,065 110,731 112,185 114,993 120,268 120,632 126,777 131,040 144,952 Foster Child 400,503 454,199 474,759 510,760 512,874 536,747 532,159 512,055 499,774 470,015 440,295 Child Support 7,863,841 8,189,975 8,765,354 9,570,287 10,371,950 10,927,731 11,341,988 11,125,946 11,703,165 11,972,900 12,081,375 Total 12,015,059 12,423,739 13,072,173 14,057,365 14,935,832 15,595,705 16,106,110 15,932,473 16,642,643 16,991,634 17,200,525 Annual Growth 3.40% 5.20% 7.50% 6.20% 4.42% 3.27% -1.08% 4.46% 2.1% 1.23%
Implementation of the Social Assistance Programme Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement 400 000 Social relief of distress (SRD) applications awarded 461 750 SRD applications were awarded. This represents 115% performance. The SRD awards were issued in different forms as follows: food parcels – 265 208; school uniform – 128 304; cash awards – 10 296; voucher – 56 847; other – 1 095. The total expenditure for the 2016/17 financial year is - R587 million Not applicable
SRD applications awarded per Province EC 83 027 FS 30 943 GP 65 276 KZN 78 857 LP 90 043 MP 38 088 NC 20 132 NW 32 872 WC 22 512 Total 461 750
Implementation of the Social Assistance Programme Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement 55% of children aged 0 – 1 in receipt of CSGs 41% (494 723 out of 1 206 306) of children aged 0-1 years were in receipt of new social grants at the end of March 2017. The net result of efforts is reported, which takes into account attrition, children moving into the next statistical age bracket and means test exclusions as contributing factors to non-achievement of set target. Fragmented government systems between SASSA, Department of Health and Home Affairs also impacts on ability to target effectively
Children aged 0-1 in receipt of social grants per Province No. of children 0-1 per region No. of children 0-1 in receipt of social grants % EC 175 790 74 350 42 FS 56 178 26 400 47 GP 241 061 70 841 29 KZN 271 158 108 147 40 LP 149 945 88 306 59 MP 97 734 46 128 NC 23 888 12 855 54 NW 76 229 34 004 45 WC 114 323 33 692 Total 1 206 306 494 723 41
Implementation of the Social Assistance Programme Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement 95% of new social grant applications processed within 10 days 90%(1 864 437 of 2 062 453) of new social grant applications were processed within 10 days. Non-achievement is attributed to manual applications taken at ICROPs & Mikondzo and applications taken off-line. This challenge will be addressed through the continued roll out of connectivity (both infrastructure and mobile), even at service points, which is an ongoing programme. 163 397 Foster Child Grant reviews processed 164 610 Foster Child Grant reviews were Processed. This represents 101% performance. Not applicable
Foster Child Grant reviews per Province Foster Child Grants reviewed per Province EC 51 111 FS 12 710 GP 19 355 KZN 36 856 LP 9 816 MP 6 368 NC 4 268 NW 12 040 WC 12 086 Total 164 610
Implementation of the Social Assistance Programme Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement 80% of identified social grant exceptions identified and resolved (Grants on alternative ID number (7777), grants paid after date of death, large amounts generated for payment, means changed after voucher generation) 35% (35 241 of 100 526) of Social Grants exceptions were identified and resolved. Slow response by beneficiaries affecting grants on alternative ID numbers and payment after death. Majority of the 7777 cases are refugees which will remain in payment on alternative numbers for the duration of the grant receipt, as they do not qualify for RSA identify numbers. This category of exceptions will be further refined to exclude the refugees. The process to resolve grants which were paid after the date of death is lengthy, as the actual person who withdrew the money has to be traced, before the debt can be raised and recovery processes instituted.
Service Delivery Improvement Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement 520 identified wards having access to social assistance through ICROP 631 had access to social assistance through ICROP. This represents 121% performance. Not applicable 36 Mikondzo service delivery interventions Conducted 31 Mikondzo service delivery interventions were conducted. This represents 86% performance. Mikondzo interventions were limited by resource availability 600 public and beneficiary education Awareness programmes 828 public and beneficiary education awareness programmes were conducted. This represents 138% performance.
Identified Wards having access to social assistance through ICROP per Province No. of identified wards having access to social assistance through ICROP EC 65 FS 87 GP 71 KZN 114 LP 67 MP 54 NC 50 NW 39 WC 84 Total 631
Payment Administration Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement System for managing Regulation 26A mandates developed and implemented 15% (1 035 of 7 090) of regulation 26A mandates processed manually. Pending the development of the system for managing Reg. 26A, new mandates were captured manually by regions. In order to address this in the new financial year, negotiations will be undertaken with service providers to manage these under the payroll deductions contract, with SASSA taking control.
Payment Administration Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement 155 681 Regulation 26A backlog mandates processed 93 296 Regulation 26A backlog mandates processed. This represents 60% performance. Despite measures implemented to communicate with beneficiaries on this matter, there has been a slow and or non-response by beneficiaries. For the new financial year, a new SASSA controlled management model is being developed and will be implemented, to line up with the phase out of the current payment service provider’s contract.
Payment Administration Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement 60% disputed deductions from social grant payments Resolved. 36% (5 343 of 14 683) disputed deductions from social grant payments were resolved. Reliance on an external party makes it difficult to resolve all reported disputes within the set time frames. Management of disputes is included in the transition plan, with SASSA taking control, increasing direct responsibility, and developing a payment system which does not allow for any deductions from social grants.
Payment Administration Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement Transitional payment insourcing plan developed (through work streams) and implemented focusing on card issuance, payment distribution, banking options and life status confirmation. Draft transitional payment insourcing plan was developed and consultation with stakeholders conducted. Request for Information for procurement of the Banking Tender and Biometric User Access Management issued and responses received in February 2017. Payment contract with current service provider extended by 12 months. SASSA could not develop a new insourced social assistance payment system due to the complexity of the task, lack of technical infrastructure requirements and insufficient financial resources.
Payment Administration Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement Payment vendors (Merchants) suitability assessments conducted Merchants suitability assessments were conducted and a list of suitable vendors compiled. A total of 1 299 merchants were assessed, of the total 1 132 were found suitable (have either biometric or pin enabled machine or have both) and 167 not suitable (have neither of the two). Not applicable
Payment Administration Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement Matching fingerprints of both adults and children clean up: 31 008 4 818 Matching fingerprints of both adults and children cleaned up. This represents 16% performance. Challenges with tracing beneficiaries contributed to under-achievement. This project will be carried into the new financial year with a full comparison of the biometric database done, the phasing-in of a new card will be used to resolve the outstanding cases.
Payment Administration Annual Target Actual achievement Rating Reason for under achievement New beneficiaries biometrically enrolled onto new SASSA system Not achieved Decision taken to locate biometrics project within the broader Transition plan which affected project time lines. Data of current beneficiaries migrated to new SASSA enrolment system. Biometric data for existing beneficiaries is collected monthly from the current service provider for storage purposes. The data will be migrated into the SASSA biometric system once procurement process has been finalized. Data migration dependent on biometric system yet to be procured as part of internalized payment model. Biometric System to be aligned and procured in line with the preferred solution option in 2017/18.
2016/17 Annual Expenditure Report
Expenditure based on Economic Classification Capex is accounted for in note 7: Property, Plant and Equipment under additions. SASSA’s budget is cash-based while the AFS are on accrual basis of accounting.
Expenditure on key items within goods and services Expenditure on the item Other Opex includes: Venues and facilities R29,531,592.72, Catering R18,357,181.14, Event promoters R142,614,653.99,Rental of tents & equipment R56,859,721.75 i.r.o ICROP & Mikondzo projects.
Commentary on 2016/17 expenditure Compensation of employees The item underspent by 4% due to funded posts that were not filled during the year or posts that were vacated during the year. In particular, these include, among others Managerial positions such as; Executive Manager: Corporate Services, Chief Operations Officer, Regional Executive Managers for the Limpopo and Northern Cape regions, General Managers Finance in Limpopo, Eastern Cape and Western Cape regions, General Manager Security Head Office, and Senior Managers Financial Accounting, Facility Management and Demand Management all at Head Office etc. 55
Commentary on 2016/17 expenditure Goods and Services The Agency continued to realise cost-efficiencies on the disbursement of grant monies due to spin-offs from the capped rate of R16.44 for cash handling fees paid to the contracted service provider hence a R73 million savings for the year under review. Other Administrative Expenses Since SASSA obtained approval to retain the cash surplus as at end March 2016 certain projects were funded from this retained cash surplus and continued to be implemented in the period under review. These include projects such as Mikondzo, ICROP, Scanning Solution, Work streams for the transition project and change management programme etc. The effect of funding projects from the retained cash is a movement on the cash and cash equivalents on the statement of financial position for the reporting period. The main items on which overspending occurred under administrative expenses due to projects funded from the surplus are advertising, venues and facilities, consultants and contractors. 56
Auditor-General Report and Comments
Audit outcome for the 2016/17 financial year Annual Financial Statements (AFS) Financial statements were presented fairly in all respects with no material misstatements except for areas mentioned below. However, a qualified audit opinion was received from the AGSA: Predetermined objectives Programme 2: Benefits Administration and Support was selected for the 2016/17 audit. Material finding was raised against one indicator (percentage of disputed deductions from social grant payments resolved), as such SASSA received a qualified audit opinion on performance information.
Basis for qualification – Predetermined Objectives Percentage of disputed deductions from social grant payment resolved. The reported achievement for the target ‘percentage of disputed deductions from social grant payment resolved’ was misstated as the evidence provided supported 33% of disputes resolved based on the audit, and not 36% of disputes resolved as reported. 59
Challenges with reporting on the Qualified Indicator SASSA is not directly responsible for the resolution of disputes, but acts as a conduit to resolve those reported to SASSA; Multiple channels of reporting disputes – telephonically to call centre; in person at local offices or pay points; directly to CPS at pay points, or through their toll free line; Technical indicator covers this limitation – SASSA can only report on disputes reported to SASSA, not all disputes; Resolution depends on each specific circumstance – not all require refunds.
Basis for qualification - AFS Irregular Expenditure The basis of the qualification is the disclosure note number 31: Irregular Expenditure - The major areas were around compliance to local content requirements, Construction Industry development Board (CIDB) Act and its provisions.
Control Measures put in place to avoid similar finding in future - Irregular Expenditure All transactions processed to date are being reviewed and validated to ensure the irregular expenditure register is complete, correct and accurate. The pre-audit process is undertaken to ensure there are no irregular transactions that are incurred henceforth; SASSA has implemented SCM compliance checklist aimed to ensure all transactions are verified before they can be processed (validation of SCM compliance during evaluation process); SCM officials were trained on Local contents and CIDB prescripts and processes to avoid a repeat of issues which led to a qualification; Strengthening the implementation of consequence management.
Control Measures put in place to avoid similar finding in future- Predetermined Objectives SASSA has informed all local offices to register every dispute on the customer care system; Only disputes registered on the customer care system will be reported on; Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for this indicator are being developed clearly indicating the cited limitations. SOP will be circulated to all local offices for seamless implementation on completion and approval. Reconciliation of monthly disputes registered on customer care system to ensure complete information is available.
Recommendations It is recommended that the Select Committee on Social Services notes SASSA 2016/17 Annual Performance Report; SASSA financial statements for 2016/17; and The audit outcome.
Thank you