“The Devil and Tom Walker” Discussion Questions


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Presentation transcript:

“The Devil and Tom Walker” Discussion Questions What are the conflicts in "The Devil and Tom Walker"? What types of conflict do you see?

“The Devil and Tom Walker” Discussion Questions How does Irving reveal character in "The Devil and Tom Walker"?

“The Devil and Tom Walker” Discussion Questions What are some themes in the story? How do they relate to the plot and characters?

“The Devil and Tom Walker” Discussion Questions Is Tom Walker consistent in his actions? Is he a fully developed character? How? Why?

“The Devil and Tom Walker” Discussion Questions How essential is the setting to the story? Could the story have taken place anywhere else?

“The Devil and Tom Walker” Discussion Questions What is the central/primary purpose of the story? Is the purpose important or meaningful?

“The Devil and Tom Walker” Reader Response Discuss the role that predatory lending practices play in American life. Is an insurmountable mountain of debt the fault of the debtor or the lender? Provide specific details and examples to support your assertions. Two paragraphs, minimum.