Ongoing assignments… Continue to check back as slides are added! Book Portfolio Ongoing assignments… Continue to check back as slides are added!
Requirements – Plastic cover (provided for you) Book Portfolio Requirements – Plastic cover (provided for you) Watercolor Cover (will begin in class) Table of Contents (complete last) Title on Each Page (Themes, Word Wizard, etc.) Worth Many, Many, Many points.
Universal Themes of Struggle Initiation and Growth Individual in Nature Humans in Conflict Individual in Society Individual’s Relationship to the Supernatural
Book Portfolio Assignment #1 Answer the Guided Study Questions Include them in the Book Portfolio Initiation and Growth
Book Portfolio Assignment #2 THEME Prompt #1: Initiation and Growth Write a claim paragraph about a theme based on the prompt below: Prompt: What possible theme might Paulo Coelho offer on the subject of initiation and growth? Claim: To grow as a person, one must look beyond the surface of things. Data: Prologue, story has a deeper meaning: Commentary: Self-confidence is a good thing. Prediction: in a story about initiation and growth, Santiago’s ability to take a huge risk and confidence in the journey will be an important tool. Initiation and Growth
Book Portfolio Assignment #3 Word Wizard Create a Page Titled “Word Wizard” Select 20 vocabulary words from you reading, and number each one, include the page number where you found it: - Write out definition - Use in a new sentence Initiation and Growth
Book Portfolio Assignment #4 Action Tracker - Make a timeline pages 1 -100. - Fill with cool quotes (imagery or characterization or plot) - Illustrate accordingly Initiation and Growth
Individual vs. Nature Portfolio Addition #5 THEME: On the back side of your notes from class on the use of water in Colorado, write another claim paragraph. Evaluate whether or not Coloradoans should do more to protect their waterways. Use specific evidence from your prior knowledge, readings, and experiences. Individual vs. Nature
Book Portfolio Addition #6 Create a child’s Restaurant Menu inspired by The Alchemist. One Sided – Themed with vocabulary Come up with appropriate food items / prices Consider a Maze, Crossword, Jumble, Connect the Dots, Word Search, Color Section, etc.
Book Portfolio Addition #7 Thematic Essential Question: What available strategies lead to conflict resolution between people at odds with each other? Prompt: Write a Claim Paragraph in which you interpret Paulo Coelho’s advice to those confronted with danger and violence caused by human conflict. Word Bank: Omen, Hope, Courage, Personal Legend, Soul, Eyes, Heart Helpful Quotes (that Establish the Conflict in Need of Strategies): The strange horseman drew an enormous, curved sword from a scabbard mounted on his saddle. The steel of the blade glittered in the light of the moon. “Who dares to read the meaning of the flight of the hawks?” he demanded, so loudly that his words seemed to echo through the fifty thousand palm trees of Al Fayoum. (Coelho 113) On the following day, the first clear sign of danger appeared. Three armed tribesman approached, and asked what the boy and the alchemist were doing there. (Coelho 137) Humans in Conflict