Unit 3 review Part 1
How are the Gospels different from biographies? Describe John the Baptist. What was the message of John the Baptist? (3 parts) What is makes a sacrament a sacrament? How was baptism by John different from the sacrament of Baptism? Why was Jesus baptized? (3 reasons) How do we see the presence of God the Father at the Baptism of Jesus?
How do we see the presence of God the Son at the Baptism of Jesus? How do we see the presence of the Holy Spirit of God at the Baptism of Jesus? Which Gospel tells about Jesus’ baptism a little differently? How is this Gospel’s account different? What led Jesus into the wilderness after his baptism? What was the first temptation of Christ? What was the response Jesus gave to Satan for the first temptation?
What lesson does the first temptation teach us? What was the second temptation of Christ? What was the response Jesus gave to Satan for the second temptation? What was the third temptation of Christ? What was the response Jesus gave to Satan for the third temptation?
What is the difference between sin and temptation? What questions should we consider when we are tempted? (4 questions) Where did Jesus first announce the beginning of his ministry? What were the five parts of the mission that Jesus read from the prophet Isaiah? What was the FIRST reaction of the crowd when Jesus told them he was the fulfillment? What was the SECOND reaction of the crowd when Jesus told them he was the fulfillment? Where did Jesus perform his first miracle, or sign?
Who was at the wedding with Jesus? What did Mary say when they ran out of wine? What is the deeper meaning of these words? What did Jesus call his mother? What is the significance of this? What did Mary tell the men to do? What is the significance of this to us? What is the central theme of Jesus’ ministry? Who announces AND brings about the Kingdom of God?
What is the lesson in the parable of the mustard seed? Why were tax collectors hated and called sinners? What were the common beliefs about associating with sinners? What is the difference between mercy and justice? Name one of the Corporal Works of Mercy and explain how it can be carried out. (Continue with new people until all of the CWM’s have been covered)