Conjugal roles- exam focus Complete the crossword on conjugal roles.
Conjugal roles- Exam focus AO1 To outline define the term conjugal roles with accurate explanations of joint and segregated conjugal roles (D) AO2 To apply understanding of sociological studies into conjugal roles to consider how these have changed over time with real life examples (C) AO3 Evaluate research studies into conjugal roles and apply this to exam answers B upwards The exams will measure how students have achieved the following assessment objectives. • AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, processes, techniques and procedures. • AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, processes, techniques and procedures: • in a theoretical context • in a practical context • when handling qualitative data • when handling quantitative data. • AO3: Analyse, interpret and evaluate scientific information, ideas and evidence, including in relation to issues, to: • make judgements and reach conclusions • develop and refine practical design and procedures.
Using conjugal roles in the exam WITHOUT LOOKING AT YOUR NOTES: Explain the term conjugal roles (4 marks) So what do you need to include for this question?
Using conjugal roles in the exam 1.What are the key words in this question? What could we include? 2. What family structures (types and set ups) can you think of? Have these increased or decreased in the past 50 years?
There are several problems with this statement. What are they? Trading up How can we make the following sentences more academically phrases (better worded) Talcot Parson’s said that men and women should do different stuff in the family Wilmot and Young said that men and women’s roles were becoming more similar Oakley says this is wrong because… There are several problems with this statement. What are they?
Drafting your essay Write a draft, if you don’t finish it in lesson you need to do it t at home, read it aloud to someone, yes you will feel silly but it really helps spot errors and help you learn it. I will happily read through drafts and give you pointers if you email them to me by 9pm Tuesday 10th We will do this essay timed in next week’s lesson so you need to be ready.
Using conjugal roles in the exam Item B With increasing numbers of women entering the workforce, modern time saving technology, and changing expectations there have been big changes within families in the past 50 years. With reference to item answer the following question: Family life for men and women has significantly changed in the past 50 years. Discuss.
Why are monkeys good at Sociology? Because they can PEEEL!
Planning your essay Fill in your essay plan carefully making sure you use PEEEL. Essays which don’t answer the specific question are heavily criticised by the examiner. Use the model essay I gave you last week to guide you on structure, style and academic wording Swap your plan with your partner- explaining something verbally to someone helps to ensure that it makes sense and will flow well.
Anagrams to finish- First person to unscramble them all wins a prize Jungle car solo (phrase) Huskerwoo (one word) Vexespiers (one word) Trantrums line (one word) misfit en (school of thought, one word) Inflicts unto a (school of thought, one word)