General Considerations Habitat Food Regulation
Vivarium soil or peat water – think fish shelter dechlorinate filter temperature shelter
FOOD infusoria – babies earthworms blood worms Drosophila crickets mice
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ~5000 animal species ~28,000 plant species
AMPHIBIANS smooth, moist, glandular skin most species absorb water through skin some species breath through skin must spend part of life in water world – 4780 species U. S. – 230 species
AMPHIBIANS frogs toads newts salamanders caecilians
FROGS spend most or all of life in water green frog Rana clamitans
FROGS green tree frog – Hyla cineria
TOADS develop in water spend later life on land American toad – Bufo americanus americanus
NEWTS spend life in water or marshy areas
red spotted newt – Eastern newt Notophthalmus viridescens – easy to keep
SALAMANDERS about 320 species 2 to 70 inches in length
fire salamander – easy to keep
axolotl - albino
axolotl - gold
tiger salamander “terrestrial” easy to keep
caecilians tropical live underground 1 inch to 1.5 meters