CONTENTS Philosophy, Morality and Ethics Moral Education in real sence Approaches to Moral Studies Ethics and Teachers Sources of Ethics
PENGERTIAN FALSAFAH/ETIKA Philia (Greek) means ‘love or friendship” Sophia means ‘wisdom’ Philosophy means ‘love of wisdom’ Tiga cabang falsafah Epistemology: The study of knowledge Metaphysics: The study of reality Ethics: The right or wrong of our conduct
DEFINISI ETIKA Etika berasal dari perkataan ‘ethos’ (Greek) yang membawa maksud budaya/perangai/keperibadian Moral berasal dari perkataan Latin “moralis’ yang bermaksud adat/ budi pekerti /adab Ethics refers to the area of morality which concentrates on human conduct and human values (Thiroux, 2000) Morality refers to that part of human behaviors that can be evaluated in terms of right or wrong (Goree, Keith., 1966)
MORALITY AND ETHICS Moraliti adalah konsep peringkat pertama yang menganalisis amalan baik atau buruk yang dapat memberi panduan kepada tingkah laku manusia Etika adalah pertimbangan reflektif (peringkat kedua) terhadap kepercayaan dan amalan moral manusia. Moraliti adalah sistem peraturan yang meminda perlakuan dalam pelbagai keadaan sosial Moraliti menetapkan piawai terhadap perlakuan yang baik/terpuji Moraliti umumnya adalah mengenai perbuatan yang baik berbanding yang buruk.
Where does morality come from? It is as system of ‘shared’ values which justify our means There is basically two types of moral justification: 1. Negative 2 Positive
MORAL EDUCATION IN REAL SENSE Analyze the following statements: Are they moral education? You are taught not to tell lie because if you did others would not trust you. You are taught to treat others well because they would treat you well in return You are taught to work hard because of the satisfaction this brought to you
How about the following set of statements? You are taught not to lie because it is wrong to do so. You are taught not to treat others well because they deserve to be so treated/It will be wrong to do otherwise. You are taught to work hard because you ought to contribute to the society/organization or wrong to do otherwise.
THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF PERSONAL ETHICS - FOR YOUR THOUGHTS! Positive mental attitude (mind) Respect (eyes and ears) Integrity (mouth) Compassion (heart) Cooperation (hands) Perseverance (mouth/gut) Initiative (feet) Character Education Center Bureau of Essential Ethics
PENDEKATAN KEPADA KAJIAN MORAL Pendekatan Saintifik dan Pedekatan Falsafah Pendekatan Saintifik/’descriptive’ Ia merupakan kajian saintifik terhadap tingkah laku manusia Pendekatan Falsafah Ia merupakan pendekatan normatif (standard) prescriptive seperti: Egoism: Manusia seharusnya bertindak mengikut kepentingan peribadi. Altruism: Manusia seharusnya sentiasa bertindak mengikut kepentingan orang lain Utilitarianism: Manusia seharusnya sentiasa bertindak mengikut kepentingan semua orang termasuk kepentingan peribadi.
EGOISM Terdapat dua jenis egoism iaitu: Psychological egoism It is a view about people behave or what they do want to do Ethical egoism (Normative) It is a theory about how people ought to do Kewujudan dua jenis egoism sering menimbulkan dilema moral kepada kita
METAETIKA Amoral: Having no moral sense or being indifferent to right or wrong No moral: It means out of realm of morality together Metaetika menganalisis bahasa etika seperti adakah hukuman mati itu boleh dijustifikasikan Yang dipersoalkan ialah bahasa etika (ethical language), istilah etika (ethical terms), pernyataan etika (ethical statements) untuk mengetahui maksudnya
KEBAIKAN MEMPELAJARI ETIKA KEPADA PARA PENDIDIK Membantu memahami kedudukan sesuatu masalah etika Berfikir secara kritikal setelah memperoleh kemahiran dan konsep tertentu Mampu menganalisis perdebatan etika Menghormati pandangan orang lain yang bertentangan Mempertimbang kemunasabahan pandangan yang selama ini tidak disetujui …
TIGA SUMBER DATA TERHADAP ETIKA Secara intuitif (intuitions) Peraturan dan kod-kod tertentu Peranan sosial (social roles)