Field Training - 1 Pharm. Ibrahim Bussati
Dosage and Administration Drug name Generic name Trade name Classification Indications Mechanism of action Side effects Precautions Contraindication Drug interactions Dosage and Administration Pharmaceutical form VII. vaccines Learning about vaccines ,their storage and procurement Taking part in vaccination programmes of P.H.C. Giving special importance to controlled & emergency drugs ; their storage conditions and inventory control
introduction Objectives behind the P.H.C. establishment Knowing the different P.H.C. departments Gathering information about common diseases.
Arrangement of medications according to : their alphabetical order their uses their dosage forms
Identify medications in the P.H.C .by their generic and brand names
Dispensing medications under supervision Reading and checking patient’s information Reading and checking information related to drugs in the prescription Filling the prescription Labeling the drugs to be dispensed writing the name , age and sex of patient writing directions for use
Reading the prescription Tab. ASA 100mg OD 1 month ASA 100mg Tab. OD 30 day Tab. Paracetamol 500 mg 235 S.O.S. Cap. Paracetamol 500 mg q 8 hr 1 week tab. Paracetamol 500 mg 1 - 0 - 1 2/52 syp. Paracetamol 5 ml tid 3 day
Drug name Generic name Trade name Classification Indications Mechanism of action Side effects Precautions Contraindication Drug interactions Dosage and Administration Pharmaceutical form
Patients counseling Tab. voltaren 75 mg 123 Tab. Paracetamol 500 mg 235 S.O.S. Tab. Histop 4 mg 123
P.H.C. store Learning medication ordering procedures from the P.H.C. store Learning the ordering protocol from the main store of M.O.H.
Inventory control of medications available in the P. H. C Inventory control of medications available in the P.H.C. pharmacy and its store
vaccines Learning about vaccines ,their storage and procurement Taking part in vaccination programmes of P.H.C.
Giving special importance to controlled & emergency drugs ; their storage conditions and inventory control
Knowledge of storage conditions Temperature control in pharmacy and store Products that need special storage conditions like refrigeration
General concepts of storage and storehouse operations in the M. O. H General concepts of storage and storehouse operations in the M.O.H. main stores