Earth TOHU WAW BOHU Darkness – No Heat ICE Darkness Jer 4:23, “I looked on the earth, and behold, it was formless and void; and to the heavens, and they had no light.” Darkness – No Heat ICE Earth TOHU WAW BOHU Gen 1:2, “The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep.” Darkness
Earth TOHU WAW BOHU Light – Heat Light Ice Shield Atmosphere Job 37:10, “From the breath of God ice is made, and the expanse of the waters is frozen.” Atmosphere Light
Light – Heat Light Ice Shield Atmosphere Atmosphere Waters Below Waters Above Gen 1:6-8, the waters above the waters, RAQIYA, רָקִיעַ, BDB Definition: 1) Extended surface (solid), expanse, firmament, an expanse (flat as base, support), firmament (of vault of heaven supporting waters above), considered by Hebrews as solid and supporting ‘waters’ above In Ezek 1 and 10, Ezekiel sees a vision in which heavenly creatures are covered by something that looks like the expanse of the sky, vs. 20f, 25f. Atmosphere Light